35. Change the future ~ NAZY

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I didn't tell Jackson about my parents and their flawless plan to come and talk to me on campus

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I didn't tell Jackson about my parents and their flawless plan to come and talk to me on campus. I wouldn't be there. It wasn't happening. I lay with my head on Jackson's chest in his bed and watched Netflix shows on his laptop. He'd asked me what I wanted to do, so I told him that this was what I wanted to do. It was the next best thing. I couldn't turn back time. I couldn't change the past.

Somewhere between two episodes, he said, "Nate says he's not coming back tonight."

I turned my head to look at his phone, but he'd already turned it off. "He's staying over?"

"Seems like it."

I nodded. At least he and Carl were having fun then. I put my head back on Jackson's chest and looked at the screen again. Altered Carbon was entertaining, but it wasn't exactly improving my mood. I didn't think anything could improve my mood now.

Jackson pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and whispered, "Wanna take the opportunity?"

"Not in the mood," I muttered.

He dropped his hand. "Oh... okay."

I clenched my fists around his shirt. I knew I should tell him why, but I couldn't. I wouldn't even know how to put it to words.

I had always been so sure of everything and now I wasn't sure of anything.

The thought of meeting up with my parents made my hands shake. I knew what they would say and I knew it would get stuck in my head. I wouldn't be able to let it go. It was already there, looming over me, waiting for the dams to break.

I rubbed my eyes with a sigh and whispered, "Can we just go to bed? It's my first day at the restaurant tomorrow and I have to do well if I want to be hired."

"Of course," he said softly, shutting the laptop. He ran his hands through my hair for a moment, and it was quiet. The only sound in the room was our breathing, and then, when he cleared his throat. My stomach dropped when he asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah," I said.

He hummed. I felt the vibrations in his chest against my cheek. He didn't believe me. I didn't even believe me. Was I okay?

I would be, surely.

I barely slept that night. When Jackson's alarm went off, I was already wide awake. My eyes hurt when I opened them, and my head and my stomach were even worse. When Jackson pushed me off him to get up from the bed and asked if I wanted to get breakfast together, I murmured, "Not hungry. I'm gonna skip today."

He crouched beside me. "What's wrong? Are you sick?"

I shook my head. "Just a little dizzy and nauseated."

"Will you be able to go to work then?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

He planted a soft kiss on my forehead. "Okay, beautiful. Text me if you need anything."

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