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i never knew what love felt like until i met him, completely by accident.

Five Years Ago

it was a stormy night, thunder boomed and lightning stuck in random places outside. deceit was casually taking care of his houseplants. when there was a sharp knock on his door.

deceit immediately thought it was remus, but that wasn't normal since he usually barges in. and virgil usually knocks very lightly since he freaks out over loud noises.

deceit confusingly goes over to his door and opens it, still holding onto his watering can.

"hello-?" deceit sees a slightly shorter boy with hair fluffed up and mainly pushed forward, his eyes were almost tired looking, as if he hadn't slept in years, but still a beautiful shade of brown.

"w-where am i?" the shorter boy asks, his eyes becoming glossy. deceit definitely wasn't going to let another boy start crying by his door so he quickly invited him in.

the shorter boy instantly attached himself to the other, he instantly started sobbing tiredly. deceit awkwardly patted the smaller boys hair.

the smaller boy soon pulled away, tears still in his eyes. "sorry, my name is remy, sc said that i had something to do with sleep but i dont really know what she means. all i know is once i left that weird place i got really tired and moody, i've been wandering around for a while and this is the only door i've found."

deceit nods, "i'm deceit, who's sc?"

"she said not to tell them."

"them? what do you mean?"

"i don't know." remy looked up into deceits eyes, this was the first time he saw them clear and he instantly fell in love with everything about them.

remys eyes start getting glossy again and deceit immediately took the shorter one into a warm hug, he wasn't going to let this one go as easily.

AN: Sorry it's so short but I didn't want to go too much into detail in the first one to save some mystery for the next chapters :)

angel eyes [deceit x remy] (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now