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Deceit and Remy

"I HATE YOu!" remy screamed.

"I love you too." deceit said with a laugh.

for the past hour deceit has been winning at mario kart, and remy has been desperately losing.

remy groaned and tossed his controller next to him on the couch before dramatically flopping backwards.

"why are you so good at that gameee." remy whines.

"the dark sides always play it on game nights." deceit says casually, he sets his controller on the couch besides him before facing remy, sitting crisscrossed.

remy looks over at deceit through his sunglasses.

deceit remembers a long time ago when he could see remys beautiful eyes at any moment.

Three years earlier

"oh my god you're such an emo nightmare!"

"well at least i'm not gay and rescue princesses, have you ever thought about that?"

"that wasn't even a good argument! a good argument would be at least i don't panic at the disco whenever someone asks a simple question like, oh hey dude what are you hungry for?"

"well at least i actually control some aspect of thomas! all you do is give him daydreams when he needs to be working or doing something important!"

The two had been going at each other like this for about an hour and it wasn't getting any better. it was making patton upset, logan irritable, and remy has started to tear up.

"oh yeah? and like giving thomas an anxiety attack every five minutes is any better? sure that'll get his important stuff done!"

"well at least-" Virgil was interrupted by deceit.

"oh won't you two just cut it out! it's getting really annoying to hear you two fight at all times of the day! you're making patton, the literal freaking ray of sun in here, upset, you're making a person with no knowledge of emotions irritable, and you're making remy cry!" deceit scolds the two boys.

virgil looks down shamefully and roman takes an awkward step backwards.

"do you two even know what you were fighting about?!"

virgil looks up at roman for a second before looking down and shaking his head.

"no..." roman answers truthfully.

"okay, well you two go somewhere and without fighting come to a peaceful solution to this!" deceit scolds them like a mother scolding a father and child who had played in the mud and were about to come inside the clean house.

virgil and roman nods sheepishly and sink out to hopefully get rid of this stupid fight.

"we will be in my room." logan says before leaving the room physically with patton following.

deceit goes over to remy who was physically having to hold in tears and once he made eye contact with deceit he started sobbing. deceit quickly wrapped his arms around the upset other. remy gripped onto deceits sleeves and hid his sobbing face in deceits chest.

at some time while remy was sobbing deceit brought them to his houseplant covered room.

deceit sat remy on the bed before getting on his knees, still being pretty closely alliened with remys chest as remy hasn't fully grown into his side height.

deceit wiped the smaller boys tears and said soothing things to try and help remy calm down from the sobbing mess he made himself.

eventually remy calms down and wipes his face free of tears.

"hey, you okay?" deceit says softly to remy.

remy nods, "yeah." he says in a scratchy voice.

"i think i just need some rest, i hate when they fight." remy says.

"of course." deceit says understandingly before standing up and helping remy up.

"see ya later deceit." he says before sinking down and supposedly going to his own room.

that day deceit didn't see remy again.

The next day

the next day roman and virgil were mostly just embarrassed about something that happened while they were making up. remy still hadn't arrived.

logan, virgil, patton, and roman were talking about something as deceit read this really weird book when remy walked down the stairs with a starbucks cup in his hand and a whole different outfit on.

instead of just a soft sweater on he threw an edgy black leather jacket on top of it.

he changed his pants from blue jeans to black skinny jeans.

he pulled his hair forward and in front of some of his forehead.

and most importantly he put on black, not see through, sunglasses.

once he got all the way down the stairs he saw the others staring and he took a sip of the coffee before simply saying.


Present day

Deceit still didn't know what remy hid under those sunglasses, remy still hasn't taken them off since they've started dating.

"hey rem." deceit starts up a conversation.

"yeah de?" remy said sitting up slightly.

"why do you wear those." he says before motioning to the sunglasses.

"my sunglasses? oh um because they're cool." he lies.

"but you've been wearing them for three years."

"and i still think they're cool, hey de it's getting kinda late i think i'm gonna get thomas to sleep." remy says avoiding the conversation.

"oh, okay." deceit says softly.

"sorry i'll be back in a bit." remy said as he lightly pecks deceit on the lips before sinking down and out of the mindspace.

deceit didn't know what remy hid behind those sunglasses, but he sure planned to figure it out.

angel eyes [deceit x remy] (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now