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AN: Totally not updating twice in one day what?


I pat remus' hair as our laughter calms down.

"bro that's my hair how dare you." the duke says.


"yeah bro."

"okay bro."

"we need saving." remus says.

"yeah- anyways! back to the problem at hand. how am i supposed to confess to remy and not seem like a total weirdo for loving him for five years?" deceit asks.

"i don't know i'm not my brother- wait why don't we just summon roman anyways?" he asks.

"oh yeah why don't we do that." deceit says.

"romaan." remus says in a singsong voice and roman appears a few seconds later with messy hair and a blushing face.

"what do you want, i'm busy doing something." roman says crossing his arms.

"deceit has a question." remus says.

"oh okay, what is it?" roman says still impatient.

"how do i confess my feelings for someone that doesn't come off creepy." he asks.

"hmm well of course there is the cute little letters, or singing which is my personal favorite, or you could invite them out somewhere and give them an amazing day and then confess at the end, or maybe even a scavenger hunt." roman gives off a list and then sinks out of the room, probably to go back to what he was doing.

"a scavenger hunt?" deceit rhetorically asks.

"roman was always the romantic one so maybe it would work, anyways i'm going to go talk to the new guy, uh dep i think his name is." remus says before leaving the room.

"alright." deceit says.

a week later

deceit had finally finished it, he created a long scavenger hunt that went all around the mind palace, he did have to get permission from some people to put things in their room.

deceit went up to remys room and knocked on the door, right as remy opened the door deceit knew things had changed, the cookie smell from remys candles grew stronger, the nook that happened to also be a bed was a mess, and adele 'set fire to the rain' was playing in the background. remys face was also red and irritated.

"yes?" remy asks, his voice strong with no known emotions in it.

"i have a surprise for you, well you kinda have to work for it but i'm not allowed to help you." deceit explains.

he then hands remy a notecard and disappears in a split second.


remy looks down at the card, it read.

'hi there sweetheart ;)
now begins a game.
for the effort you put in,
you'll be rewarded the same.
look for a tube of toothpaste
to find the first clue;
you'll soon find out
what's waiting for you.'

remy smiles softly and goes to thomas' bathroom since the sides don't actually have to brush their teeth or take a shower, they just choose to sometimes.

he finds the toothpaste and under it is another notecard.

'follow the clues
to a thing for you
the first ones easy
it's in your shoe.'

remy is confused a bit, he's wearing his shoes, that's when he feels it, he reaches down and pulls a folded up note from in his shoe.

'breaking news!
another clue!
there what you see,
is you!'

remy looks up from the note and into the mirror before looking down again, he reaches forward and opens the mirror cabinet, there he finds a small pink flower and another note card, he puts the flower in his hair and grabs the notecard.

'don't give up
or fall asleep
get back to work
don't weep.'

remy thinks of where someone goes to work before realizing that logan works at his desk in his room all the time! he sinks down and rises back up in logan's room.

"hello remy, i guess you're on that hunt thing?" logan asks sitting in the desks chair with a book in his hands.

"yeah." remy says causally.

"here you go." logan says handing remy what at first looked like a bookmark but instead it's a notecard.

"thanks." remy says as he looks down at the card.

'what time is it?
do you know?
is it time to watch
your favorite show?'

remy immediately gets this one and leaves to go to the living room.

once there he finds another notecard and a starbucks themed bracelet.

he slides on the bracelet then picks up the card.

'don't stop now to
watch cartoons,
check for the next
clue by the spoons!'

remy goes into the kitchen and opens the silverware drawer, however there is no card there. he then remembers walking in on virgil and roman spooning so he first sunk out of the kitchen and checked romans room, luckily finding virgil and roman just watching the new aladdin movie.

virgil just holds out the notecard and remy grabs it before leaving and closing the door.

he looks down at the notecard.

'almost there! you're
shining bright.
you can go turn off
the table light!'

remy goes back downstairs and goes to the kitchen light, he doesn't know how he didn't notice the notecard taped to the lightswitch.

he pulled the notecard off and read it.

'wow that took a while
i bet you're tired
why don't you go on the terrace
for some fresh air.'

remy walks back upstairs and walks to the terrace that if you fall down you will be in the short term memory.

he walks up to the railing that holds a candle and one last note card. this one wasn't written like the rest.

'i know this took a while for me to say,
but i just couldnt think of any other way for me to say that-'

remy was confused, that was where the writing ended.

"i love you." deceit finally says from behind remy, making remy jump a bit before turning around and seeing deceit with a single white rose and blushing way to much.

"wh... what?" remy asks as if he didn't hear deceit.

"i love you." deceit says with a small smile.

remys eyes become glossy and he runs forward, basically tackling deceit making deceit fall and them both laugh.

"i love you too."

AN: This was basically a sorry for the last chapter oof XD hope y'all liked it.

angel eyes [deceit x remy] (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now