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Warning: Sexual references

The group


"what?" thomas asks.

"it is highly improbable that there is a side we don't know about." Logan says.

"But what if there is? what could happen to roman and remy? will they be okay? what if they get hurt?" virgil panics.

"kiddo, i'm glad you're worried about remy as well but you need to calm down, panicking, at the disco, isn't the best idea right now." Patton says, he also sneaks in a little pun.

"did you just-"

"yes, yes i did." patton says with a small smile.

"Enough of this, we need to start looking for them." says a worried deceit.

"You don't have to look any further." A feminine voice says from behind the group.

all of them turn around to look at the cloaked side.

"who are you?" Virgil says grumpily.

"Virgil, i'm sincerely sorry i had to bring roman into this, he will be let go very soon, i just have to level out a few things." Subconscious says.

"Where's remy." deceit asks, more like demands actually.

"He is safe, he won't be needing you anymore." she says.

"Excuse me but you still haven't answered who you are." Logan buts in.

"hm, i guess it wouldn't hurt, you lot will forget about me in a few days anyways. My name is subconscious, i am well, the subconscious." she introduces herself.

"Why don't we know you." Logan asks.

"Because once you leave the idea you forget about me." She says.

"well, i really must go, roman will be sent here soon." she disappears, leaving behind black smoke that soon evaporates.

"Guess i was right huh Logan?" Remus says with a smirk.


Roman and remy

"I'm so stupid-" Remy says.

"wow okay we don't need two debby downers here." Roman says.

Remy flops onto the bed, staying sitting.

He wipes his eyes under his sunglasses.

"Roman if you get out don't come back for me." Remy says sternly.

"What? You're part of the group, you're deceits boyfriend- let's not think about this, how about we play truth or dare? just to get our minds off of things for right now." Roman suggests sitting on the bed as well, he pulls his legs up and sits crisscrossed.

Remy sighs, "fine."

"alright so i'll ask you first." Roman says.

"Truth or dare."

"Truth." Remy says in a monotone voice.

"o-kay, hmm,,, how long has it been since you've drank coffee?" Roman asks.

"A week, unfortunately." Remy says with a sigh.

"alright uh ask me now."

"truth or dare?"

"dare! i'm not a chicken." Roman saysz

"Top or bottom?" remy says with a smirk.

"oh um we kinda uh... switch but mostly top i guess." Roman says awkwardly.

"wow didn't expect that."

"what? why i'm dominant?" roman questions.

"uhuh... okay let's just continue-" remy says.

"okay truth or dare."

"dare i guess."

"alright, hmm,,, i dare you to tell me how many people you've kissed. even if it was just a game or something, and tell me who." roman says smugly, honestly only expecting remy to say deceit.

"well there's deceit so that's one, and um two." remy says shamefully.

"two? who's the second one? you have to tell me i dared you."

remy looks at roman from behind his sunglasses.


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