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Roman and Virgil

There was a loud clunking noise outside, it sounded as if someone in metal armor fell down.

Roman, being the prince he was, wanted to make sure everyone were safe so he started to get up.

"ro?" said a tired virgil, he had fallen asleep around three hours ago and haven't slept well in a while.

"sh, it's alright my love, i just heard something outside the room so i am going to go make sure everyone is okay, alright." he says giving virgil a kiss on the forehead before walking away from the bed, despite virgil's complaints.

when he got to the door virgil had already fallen asleep.

roman opened the door and walked out, closing it behind him. he saw a small amulet on the ground so he leaned down to pick it up.

all there was was a muffled scream and then silence.

this definitely woke virgil up and he quickly got up and opened the door, only to find a note on the floor and no princey.

virgil looked around, and above him, and behind him, before quickly grabbing the note and sinking out of there.

he rose up in logan's room, patton was on the bed reading some sort of dr. seuss book and logan was doing work on his computer.

patton quickly looked over to the panicked virgil.

"hey kiddo you alright?" patton asks.

at this point even logan had stopped working.

virgil shook his head and handed the note over.

logan read it.

"what does it mean?" he asks.

virgil shrugs, trying to push the feeling of an anxiety attack down.

"romans gone." virgil said his voice wavering when he said gone.

patton looked at virgil concerned. he pulled virgil into a tight hug before setting a plan in action.

"lets go to the living room and summon all of the sides maybe they can help out."

and so they did.


Soon all of the sides were in the living room and confused to why they are there, some in embarrassing situations.

emile picani had a face mask on, remus was in a robe, deceit and remy were blushing messes.

"alright so you all are probably wondering why you are here." patton says, he gets a collective mummers of yes's.

"well something bad has happened, roman is missing, and we got this note." patton explains.

there are a few concerned mummers and mumbles.

soon someone asks what it says.

"It says, Bring him -from sc. in a horrible handwriting." logan says.

deceit remembers something, something he had remembered not to long ago as well. when he and remy had first met remy said something about an sc.

"remy didn't you say something about an sc like five year ago?" deceit asks, soon all eyes went onto the pair.

"i don't remember, that was five years ago." remy says sheepishly.

"i know you're not very good friends with roman but if you know something you better tell us." virgil snaps.

"hey kiddos let's calm down alright? how about we go to bed and then talk more about this tomorrow when we aren't all tired and stuff?" patton says, they all slowly start to agree.

soon they all disperse from the living room.


he remembers something, he was in that place for longer then he had been out in the mindspace. he didn't remember her name but her remembered her.

and that's why he didn't go to bed.

he told deceit he just had to go use the bathroom but that wasn't true.

he had walked over to where he arrived those years ago.

he didn't remember the hallway being there but he turned down into it instead of going further to find deceits room.

he walked down the dark, surprisingly cold hallway.

every few seconds there was a noise that he didn't trust but he kept on.

soon he came to a door, a door with no handle.

he raised his hand to knock but the door opened.

inside he saw roman searching around in the room that had a bed a curtained off bathroom and a small fridge.

"roman?" remy calls out.

roman looks over.

"oh hello remy, do you know what this place is?" roman asks.

"we need to leave." remy says taking a step closer to roman, right before the door behind him slams shut making him jump and turn around quickly.

he goes to the door and tries to pull it open, however since it had no handle it was basically the wall.

he stared unbelievingly at the door before turning to roman.

"i think we are trapped."

angel eyes [deceit x remy] (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now