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[third pov]

"Do you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon? Like wands and stuff?" Mal asks prince Ben as the tour comes the an end in the hall. Corazon followed the others at a slow pace, looking her eyes out. This question caught the attention of all the VK's, including Corazon. Ben is quick to turn around and face the purple haired girl. Audrey looks annoyed at her.

"Of course it exists but it's pretty much retired. Most of us are ordinary mortals." He informs with a smile. Corazon caught up with the group because this topic sparked interest.

"Mortals who happen to be kings and queens." Mal chuckles, looking at Ben. Mal? Chuckles?

"That's true! Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." Audrey replies before Ben can say something.

"Poor soon-to-be king." Corazon whispers, making Jay snicker. Carlos and Evie look at Jay with confusion but he shrugs at them. Corazon looks up and lets her eyes wander over the VK's. When her eyes go to the platinum haired boy, his eyes are already on her. She has her signature smirk on and he blushes, turning his gaze to the boy, Ben just called over.

"Hey guys, I'm Dopey's son. Dopey as in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and—" He says but when he sets his eyes on Evie he gulps and struggles to continue. "Heigh-ho."

"Evie. Evil Queen's daughter." Evie says, stepping up and smiling at him. Still in awe of her presence he continues his story.

"So, your classes. I—I already put in the requirements." Corazon is bored and walks over to him. Reading from over his shoulder from the clipboard. He is a little uncomfortable with a villain so close but doesn't show it any further. "History of woodsmen and pirates, safety rules for the internet and—and remedial goodness 101." That last class causes the five to chuckle.

"New class, hm?" Corazon asks Doug, walking away from him. He nods and mouths a 'sorry'.

"It's ok." Mal answers. "Come guys, let's find our dorms." The three follow Mal to the stairs but Corazon stays behind.

"Actually, your dorms are that way, guys!" Doug says, raising his voice a little. The four stop and turn around to walk in the opposite direction. They pass Doug who keeps on repeating the six names but can't come up with the last one.

"Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and—"

"Sneezy." Two voices fill in for him. Corazon looks at Carlos and smiles a little when he shows his goofy smile to her. "Great minds think alike." She says in her usual soft tone. He hears her and his cheeks flush red again. A colour he seems to constantly be since she's here.

"I've heard about you but never saw you around at the island. How come?" Mal asks the shorter girl when she made her way to the two girls. Mal is never the one to make friends nor small talk but Corazon has become an exception. Mal feels like they are quite alike with their backstories at the Isle. Besides, Corazon is a little mysterious and Mal wants to know more.

"Can't really get out of the house during the day, besides some occasions. I usually sneak out around dusk." Corazon vaguely answers the girl. She nods in understanding without even knowing the real story. Every villain kid has a story but no one talks about it. "In the dark I feel the most comfortable because that's when I start to live. That curfew of FG is definitely going to be broken." She adds, whispering the last sentence.

"Guys!" Doug exclaims, catching up with the five. "The boy's dormitory is to the left and for the girls it's to the right. Carlos and Jay, you have room number 251. Evie and Mal, 286. Since the dorms are per two, you will share a room with someone, Corazon." Doug says, earning a groan from Corazon. They split up and make their ways to their rooms. Doug points to a door opposite from Evie & Mal's. They just got into their room and closed the door. "That's Jane's room, the daughter of Fairy Godmother. She'll be your roommate." Corazon nods her head and knocks on the door.

"Come on in!" A smooth, girly voice answers from inside. With a last groan Corazon opens the door. Inside she sees a girl intensely writing on her desk. The blue eyed girl looks up at Corazon and she visible tenses up.

"Uh—uh hi?" Her voice trembles. Corazon walks in and closes the door. She walks over to the made bed and drops down. The bed is more comfortable than her own at home. Home, the Isle of the Lost. She sits up straight and jumps off the bed, walking over to Jane.

"Corazon Hearts. Your new roommate." She says, sticking her hand out for Jane to shake. Jane gulps and shakes her hand, making it very obvious for Corazon that she's intimidated.

"Jane." She softly mumbles. Corazon suddenly turns around and lays back on the bed.

"FG's daughter, hm?" She asked, already knowing the answer. A magazine on the nightstand next to her takes her interest and she grabs it.

"Yes." Jane answers, a little annoyed. "I am, Cinderella's not." She huffs, clearly something is bothering her.

"Little bratty Cindy, got everything she wanted." Corazon says, absentminded while going through the magazine.

"Yes! And my mother doesn't even want to help me. I mean, I'm her daughter! I asked my mother to do my hair or my nose with her magic wand but she's more of a 'beautiful from the inside' type of person." Jane says frustrated. "Oh I'm sorry for rambling and goodness, I need to go. I told Audrey that I would help her for cheer." Jane says, looking at her phone. Corazon chuckles softly at the stressed fairy who threw her cheer clothes in a bag.

"Hey, Jane." Corazon says as Jane's about to run out of the door. She tenses up again the moment Corazon said her name. "Take a breathe once in a while." Jane flashes a smile and nods.


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