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[third pov]

The tourney game was won by Auradon Prep and the crowd was ecstatic. Prince Ben scored the winning goal, set up by Jay and Carlos. The announcer rambled about the incredible victory but Ben asked for the microphone. Audrey looked at him lovingly, expecting for him to say something about her. Instead he asked the crowd, cheerleaders and the tourney players to spell out 'M', 'A' and 'L'.

'What does that spell?" He asked excited. Audrey finally got the message from her boyfriend and left the tourney field in shame. No one paid attention to her since Ben kept screaming in the mic. Corazon saw Audrey running away and felt just the tiniest bit of guilt. After all, Ben was her boyfriend. Girls don't necessarily like it when their boyfriends spell names of different girls. "I love you, Mal! Did I mention that?" Ben yelled in the microphone, taking everyone by surprise because he and Audrey have been together since they were little. "Give me a beat!"

"Uno, dos, tres, cuatro!" Doug yelled from the bleachers, leading the band. On cue music started. Corazon looked with wide eyes at Mal and Evie, wondering what they did to that cookie. Mal shrugged, surprised as well.

"Did I mention? That I'm in love with you. Did I mention? There's nothing I can do." Ben sang into the microphone. Corazon looked at him in shock, not expecting the soon to be king to sing. Just like all the cheerleaders and tourney players on the field, she danced along to the song. "And did I happen to say? I dream of you everyday, but let me shout it out, if that's okay. That's okay." Jay wasn't too sure of what was happening either but had a smile on his face and danced along. "I met this girl that rocked my world like it's never been rocked. And now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop. I never thought it can happen to a guy like me." Carlos jumped to the front to dance together with Ben, soon joined by Jay as well after he placed a stand for the mic. "But now look at what you've done, you at got down on my knees." All the tourney players dropped on their knees, earning more screams from the crowd. Corazon couldn't hold back her laughter and eventually Carlos looked back at her. She was randomly dancing with the other cheerleaders with a wide smile on her face. "Because my love for is ridiculous! I never knew." Ben sang, rolling on the ground. Carlos and another teammate helped him jump up towards the mic stand. "That it can be like this. My love for you is ridiculous. My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S." He spelled, dancing the letters. "And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss." Pointing at Mal, Corazon saw a small blush forming on Mal's face. Mal wasn't used to this kind of attention nor affection. Back to the chorus and everyone was singing along. Audrey hadn't returned yet and Corazon was kind of wondering where she went off to.

"Go get your man!" Corazon yelled to Mal, pointing at Ben who was singing his heart out for her. Mal nervously looked down before looking back at him.

"And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss. C'mon now!" Carlos jumped in a split and smoothly jumped back up. Corazon stared at him amazed, not expecting him to be much of a dancer. His eyes flew back to hers, sending her a wink. She blew a kiss at him and he acted like he caught it. She shook her head at his puppy-like happiness.
Before repeating the chorus, Ben took off his tourney shirt and threw it at Mal in the audience. Girls around her tried to get it but she snatched it away before another girl got his jersey. "Because my love for is Ridiculous. I never knew." Everyone on the tourney field made their way to the bleachers, following Ben who was trying to get closer to Mal. Corazon ran over to Carlos, dancing with him in front of the mascot. Suddenly he grabbed her hand and twirled her around. This time, Corazon became the blushing mess instead of Carlos. It went unnoticed by Carlos as he went back to dancing R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S with the tourney players. "And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss. C'mon Now!" Ben was launched into the crowd and made his way to Mal. He leaned in to kiss her but she dodged him by holding his jersey in front of her face.

"Chad's my boyfriend now!" Audrey yelled, snatching the microphone out of Ben's hands. No one noticed her coming back but she was joined by Prince Charming Jr. "And I'm going to the coronation with him so I don't need your pity date!"

"Oh she's desperate." Corazon chuckled, joined by Jay and Carlos. Audrey left the scene, followed by Chad but no one paid any attention to them.

"Mal! Will you go to the coronation with me?" He yelled in the microphone even though she's right next to him. She grabbed the microphone and yelled a loud 'yes'. Everyone hollered happily at the new couple.

"Does she know she didn't need that love spell for him to like her?" Corazon asks Jay and Carlos. Carlos had placed his arm around her shoulder and Jay leaned on the mic stand. The two look confused at her. "Are you blind? He was so obvious." Corazon laughed. The two shrug at her, not believing her. "Amateurs, I can see true love from miles away." She scoffed.


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