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[third pov]

"Where are you all going to at 11 pm, little villains?" Corazon softly whispers to herself. "Thought FG was clear on the curfew." Corazon sat down next to the window, feeling locked since she usually was outside at this time. Outside she saw Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos carefully walk around. Curiosity took over and she crept away from the window. Jane was sound asleep and too exhausted to wake up any minute soon. Outside, Corazon saw their shadows still around and decided to follow the other rule breakers.
2.3 miles away from school the four, with Corazon following closely, arrived at their destination. The museum.

"Check your mirror." Corazon heard Mal say to Evie. She stopped around the corner to watch the four. Evie shrieked up in horror and asked if her makeup was smudged.

"Yes, and while you're looking, see if you can find us Fairy Godmother's wand." Mal answered sarcastically. Evie found the way on her mirror and the four ran away. Corazon got another idea by going through the exit they just passed.

"Make it easy, make it quick. Open up without a kick." Corazon mumbled, remembering the spell her former babysitter taught her. She smiled when the door opened without a problem. "Sweet." She walked inside and saw some arrows with the directions to different magic objects. The one that caught her eye was the arrow with 'wand' on it. Since the others wanted that wand so desperately, she probably could ask them why. She was the first to arrive in the big room. The room was lit up by a bright beam of light. In the middle of the light was the magic wand stored. Amazed by the light, Corazon walked closer. She was about to touch the wand when she heard multiple voices coming her way. Corazon moved to a dark corner and hid there.

"Here it is." Evie exclaimed, followed by three pairs of footsteps. They all stop and stare in awe at the magic object that belongs to the Fairy Godmother.

"And what exactly is the plan with the wand?" Corazon asks, stepping into the light. The four didn't expect the other VK to be here, especially not at this time. They all look for an excuse but know there isn't one since they broke in, just like Corazon. She raises an eyebrow at the four.

"We—" Carlos starts but Jay and Mal covered his mouth. The three all glare at Carlos and Corazon pouts.

"Why are you up at this hour? Right here?" Jay asks with his hand still covering Carlos' mouth. Carlos answers but it's inaudible because his mouth is covered. Jay slowly removes his hand so Carlos can talk.

"In the dark she feels the most comfortable because that's when she starts to live." Carlos answers for Corazon. "Right?" Impressed by his answer, Corazon nods her head and a small smile creeps on her lips. She didn't think he would actually pay attention to her during her small talk with Mal and Evie.

"But, you can't ignore my question with another question." She says, looking at Jay. "You found the wand and now what?" She asks with her arms crossed in front of her. She walks to the railing around the light beam and glances at the four. No reply. "Ok ouch, we still are all VK's. Like I care that this place will burn down when that wand is stolen. I expected a little more from you guys. More, teamwork."

"You're right." Evie says with a little bit of guilt. "We need the wand to open the border at the Isle of the Lost so everyone can escape. Oh and Mal's mom wants—"

"World domination." Mal finishes for her, looking down. The four look at the girl on the other side of the wand, not knowing how she'd react.

"Could've said that earlier." Corazon scoffs. Carlos wants to apologise but Jay covers his mouth again. "Just another question, how exactly are you getting that wand?" This brought something in Jay up. He smirks confident at Corazon and in a split second he reaches over for the wand. The others yell for him not to do it but the alarm was already on.

"A force field and a siren? That's just a little excessive." Carlos mumbles with a frown at their failed mission of the night.

"Great job, Jay." Corazon smiles amused at the not so confident boy who laid on the ground. He mimicked her and stood up.

"Let's go! Hurry!" Mal yells, already leaving the room with Evie. Jay sprints passed Carlos and Corazon to the exit, a different one than she used to come in. They ran passed the alarm system and there was a phone ringing. Carlos went to answer the phone while Corazon went through a book with instructions, soon finding a problem Carlos could use to cover up. She pointed at it and he nodded.

"No, it was a false alarm. Yes a malfunction in the—in the 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yes, ok. Say 'hi' to the missus." He ended the call, making Corazon chuckle at his kind goodbye. He was definitely not a villain.

"We're a good team." Carlos grins, raising his hand for a high-five. Corazon nods and high-fives him.

"Carlos and Corazon!" A frustrated Mal yells from outside.

"You're welcome!" The two yell back from inside, annoyed. The two of them walk to the waiting villains, closing the door behind them.

"Way to go, Jay. Now we have school tomorrow." Mal groans as the five of them return to Auradon Prep. Carlos, on the other hand, could care less. He was interested in this mysterious Corazon and didn't mind the classes together with her. She walked next to Evie and he didn't stop staring at her until Jay hit his shoulder with a knowing look. Carlos shrugged it off but his gaze turned back to the fifth VK.


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