January | 1.1

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So let's add some color

Taehyung scoffed at the taller male he saw walking through the gates. Out of all the people, why did Jungkook have to be the first person he saw? Brushing the hair behind his ears he began to walk, giving the older some time to walk in first. He didn't want to be too close. He hated Jungkook, a story between them he'd never forget. His demeanor (though hot) his cold look, his success, the fact that he was loved by everyone; everything about the other only made his insides twist and turn as if he ate a rotten banana.

Every day, he had to walk in and watch his classmates swoon over, what he saw as nothing but a "..cocky fucker."

"Taehyung he's not that bad, admit it."

Once again the younger male scoffed, huffing and pouting as he stomped his way into the hallway. Jimin was following right behind. Maybe Jimin was right, but there was no way he'd want to admit such a monstrous possibility.

"Minnie you don't understanddd.." Taehyung let out the biggest sigh he could pull out.

Turning around he brought his best friend into a sudden stop, making him drop his pencil case. Standing back straight after picking up the case, the male handed Jimin the case and began to explain why Jungkook annoyed him to no ends. Thanking him, the dark-haired male turned to his locker, listening to the same rant he hears whenever Taehyung hasn't slipped for a while. The younger tends to be more stressed and annoyed during those days.

"Everyone loves him Jiminie, but he just looks at everyone and ignores everyone as if he was some king, and we were some peasants. He thinks he's all high and mighty and it pisses me off, all the cold stares. Ugh.." he huffed and turned to his locker.

"Plus..." his voice coming out a bit more inaudible than he would've liked

"There's more behind the story... I- he's the complete opposite of me, he has everything and he never appreciates any of it.." Taehyung mumbled on as he grabbed some books and placed his bag in the locker.

"Anyways.. I have class, Enough about him.." Pecking Jimin on the cheek he bid his goodbye with a small "be careful, you got my number" as he walked off.

Grinning Jimin yelled a "bye bye!" As he also closed his locker and turned to leave for class.

Walking into class, the first class, the class he had with 'The Ceo of Highschool', Taehyung quickly walked to his seat. He didn't miss the way Jungkook's eyes lingered, the act was transparent. This was a very ironic scene. Though Jungkook's action, to Taehyung, was transparent, others if noticed would've guessed Jungkook liked the younger male.

In Taehyung's eyes his hatred eliminated him from seeing such a possibility. All Taehyung could ever feel was intimidated by the older. He never knew what to do with himself around the taller male. He held such a dominating and cold look, his fear showed clearly on his face. That was another reason why Taehyung hated Jungkook so much, out of all his bullies, though he wasn't one, he feared Jungkook the a great amount.

"Who in the hell came up with such a stupid nickname anyway...?" he mumbled and sat back in his seat, grateful the other had stopped staring. "Ceo of Highschool, more like CEO of my fist..." Licking his lips he sat up as the teacher walked in, pulling his notebook out of his bag so he could start writing some notes.

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