May 1.1

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Somehow all my petals have fallen..

"I don't know what's gotten into you.. I don't know what's going on.. but you know I love you right..?" Taehyung spoke into the speaker of his phone. The beep had went off and it took him a while, but after a needed few seconds of silence his voice cracked into one of concern as he spoke. He had no idea what was going on with the older male. After that day where he dropped him off at his house Jungkook never really contacted him again.

He was scared, millions of reasons why had went through his mind in the last few days. He even went to Jungkook's house but the male was either ignoring him or he wasn't there at all. At one point Taehyung wanted to call in to the police for someone missing, but something told him that wasn't it so he held back.

"I hope you're okay.. I really miss you, I feel empty without you here with me and its almost exam time... I know how important school is for you so i know its odd for you not to attend for so long..." he took another long pause, playing with the hem of the hoodie he stole from Jungkook.

"Just know I'll always be here for you from now on and I love you more than anything.." With that Taehyung hung up.

Sighing he wiped the tears that had some how leaked from his eyes during the one sided conversation. The pain due to the separation had taken a toll on the younger. His barely passing grades had dropped lower and his room had become a mess over only a few days of a missing Jungkook. Taehyung was worried, scared shitless. He didn't want to lose the older. Not again, he refused to and he wasn't going to allow it.

He wasn't going to allow it but how? Getting up Taehyung grabbed his bags and informed his grandmother that he was heading to school. Tiredly he walked out of the house. Haven't been able to slip and barely having a chance to sleep, he looked like shit.

When he finally got to school he didn't even try to find Jungkook around anymore, it was evident the older male probably wasn't going to come to school for a while. So as the school day went by Taehyung too could careless about his school work. Too many things were on his mind and no matter how much his friends tried to convince him they couldn't get him to.


Where did all the colors go. At one point Jungkook's apartment had looked more colorful.  A lot more vibrant than its how it is right now. His week had switched so abruptly. It was only a few days before that they were laughing and talking together. At this point he felt he was meant to be unhappy. No matter what someone is always taken from him..

His father though? Of all the people? He didn't even get to say goodbye. He knew nothing about it, he could've helped but he knew nothing. Jungkook wanted to hate him for not telling him. He wanted to blame him, but he felt nothing but heaviness.

He didn't even attempt to wipe the tears from his eyes. The crumpled piece of paper stretched out between his fingers as he reads the letter over for billionth time.

"don't forget, make it your own little competition but don't overwork yourself, i couldn't be more proud of you son. it makes me happy to die (if i die) knowing that you've got not only your mother but a lover and friends as well. Do. Not. Lose. Them. i love you cookie, if i die don't let it take a toll on you, cherish what you still have. my last wish."

The letter had tears running down his face all over again. He felt betrayed. If he had known then he'd get the best doctors to do the surgery. He would've gotten the best heart replacement..

Once again the paper was crumpled up on the floor. The older wanted to just not exist. He wanted everything to disappear. To not have to feel sad about his father's death. The pain felt too much to handle. His brother and now his dad too. Was it the task of the universe to kill everyone he loves? To take away what's dear to him? Or was it destined that he felt sad for his entire life?

Spreading out on his bed he grabbed his phone that beeped for the billionth time. By now his messages had about 500 notifications, all from spams. His friends never gave up on him. He wanted to reply to all of them, especially Taehyung, but he felt scared. The amount of what ifs running through his head he couldn't find the strength to even inform them about what happened.

It had Jungkook thinking what if he loses them too? What if they die too? What if..

He didn't want to go through that again. Never again. He dropped the phone on his bed ignoring the voicemail and multiple messages from the others and looked up at the ceiling, soon falling asleep.


Another week passed Taehyung made a call to Jungkook's mother by now. After hearing the news he felt devastated. He had made sure it was okay to tell the others before telling them as well. All six of them feeling a wave of sadness and concern wash over them for Jungkook and his mother.

After hearing the news Taehyung knew now why Jungkook wasn't replying to anyone. For fucksake the older haven't even left his house for two weeks.

Taehyung was determined to convince Jungkook that it was okay to grieve but it was definitely not okay to forget about the people he still had. He made it his mission to let Jungkook know it was going to be okay.

So after getting a spare key from Jungkook's mother, what he had not expect was to receive a message that Jungkook wanted to break up. Taehyung could've sworn he felt his heart broke into pieces. He felt the drop in his chest when he read over the messages, and listened to the audio of Jungkook.... having sex with someone...

The younger male didn't know exactly how to feel" He didn't want to believe it. Maybe he was faking it? Maybe..?


oooo it's getting angsty


what do ya'll think about the situation with Jungkook at the end?

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