March | 1.0

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The colors throughout the day changed so fast where did time go?

A week passed since the incident and Taehyung is yet to slip back into space. No matter how many times Jungkook told him it was okay to, he just couldn't fight the fear that the other might find him weird even though he claim he doesn't. Today they were on a movie date that Jungkook suggested, for the first time, in a very long time, inviting the younger over to his place.

Smiling the older pecked the younger's cheeks and pulled him closer to his chest. Taehyung blushed, burying his face further to hide the embarrassment. Jungkook chuckled at his cuteness, tilting the younger's head up by his chin before kissing him softly. Leaning closer out of eagerness, Taehyung clutched onto the taller's shirt, moving his lips in sync with the other.

Pulling away Jungkook managed to pull him into his lap, cupping his ass and squeezing it a bit causing the smaller to bite his lips to hold back his small moans. It didn't take long for Jungkook to attach their lips once again and slip his tongue pass Taehyung's lips, sucking at his tongue and exploring his wet cavern.

Taehyung was left a panting mess, Jungkook's breathing patterns not being the best either. His hair was a mess from Taehyung's tugging and Jungkook would be lying if he said he didn't love how fucked out Taehyung looked from just a kiss. A smirk found it's way to the older's lips, his hands resting on the younger's waist.


"Oh nothing" Jungkook chuckled and pulled the younger into a hug. "I'm happy we're talking again" He whispered kissing Taehyung's head. Taehyung smiled closing his eyes in comfort before wrapping his arms tightly around the older to return the hug. "I love you.." he replied not wanting to let go of the taller.

Pulling away Jungkook smiled and got up with Taehyung. "Anyways The movie was nice and all but that's not the real reason I invited you over."

"H-huh?" Taehyung looked at him confused, allowing the male to take him wherever. "What do you mean That's-"

Taehyung was cut off when Jungkook kicked open a door and Walked in. Shocked he peered at the surprise the older must've gotten for him. Tearing up Taehyung looked back at Jungkook

"f-for me?"

He asked already on the verge of crying. No one ever did this for him, the fact that Jungkook did meant the world to him at the moment. Scrambling out of Jungkook's arms Taehyung ran towards the surprise and Jumped on it, immediately being enveloped in the soft material. A huge teddy bear bigger than even Jungkook. Smiling in fondness he stared at Jungkook, face already soaked with tears that were brimming at his eyes earlier.

Jungkook had bought him the teddy bear because he wanted to let the younger know it was okay to slip with him. Jungkook knew how much the younger loved stuffed animals, his parents never got him one. This was to show him that he cared and he loved him no matter what. Walking over Jungkook bent down to Taehyung's level and ruffled his hair. "You like it?"

Nodding eagerly Taehyung smiled and wiped his face replying with a small "mhm" before Jumping into Jungkook's arms.

"That's good, I hope little tae likes it too, when will he get comfortable and come say hi to Kookie?" Jungkook asked running his fingers through his hair.

His research and reading was all paying off at this moment. At this point even Jungkook was thinking he's actually good at everything he does.

Hesitating Taehyung looked up at Jungkook, he was trying his hardest not to slip. Deeply Contemplating the offer. He was now obviously comfortable with the older but he still had that tiny fear.

"I don' know..." he mumbled looking down only to have his head tilted back up by a finger underneath his chin. Staring back at the older with his big bright orbs that suddenly became brighter, he nervously licked his lips. "Don't tell me you don't want to talk to me baby what's wrong?"

"St-stop all da baby talk is making me swi- I mean slip Kookie nuuu" he whined and folded his arms in an attempt to show how upset he was. Chuckling Jungkook just cupped his face before leaving small kisses all over causing cheerful little giggles to leave the younger's mouth. Fully slipped now Taehyung clutched at Jungkook's shirt, his eyes squeezed shut because of all the kisses. "Nooo kookie Stobb"

"Okay okay" Jungkook laughed pulling away and picking Taehyung up. Taehyung wrapped his limbs around the older kissing his face all over "I wuv you, and don' fowget kookiedough"

"Kookiedough?" Jungkook asked in slight confusion before he walked any further.

"Yes !" Taehyung slightly yelled pointing at his new stuffed animal. As if The light switched on in his brain, Jungkook formed an 'o' shape with his mouth

" oh bubba I don't think we can carry th- I mean him everywhere we go can we? He's a bit too big baby.."


Taehyung pouted and wiggled his way out of Jungkook's arms before stomping his way to the lifeless animal. Grabbing the arm Taehyung began to pull the bear towards the door. Chuckling Jungkook walked over and picked up kookiedough and placed him on the bed.

"Look bubbles if you pull him like that, he'll get dirty you don't want him to be dirty and get sick do you?

Jungkook turned back around and picked up the younger who was still pouting. Taehyung made a "hmph" sound before licking his lips.

"Nu kookie but he can take a bathhh can't he?"

He asked attempting to fake  the 'daddy talk' Jungkook used with him. Jungkook chuckled softly "bub it's too much work to give him a bath, Kookiedough told me he didn't like baths too so.. let's not make him sad yeah?" Jungkook tried to explain hoping Taehyung would fall for it. Thankfully the smaller male did and replied with a small "hmph I guess so.."

"Can We cuddles?"

"Of course baby"

Smiling Jungkook made his way to the living room with the blonde male in his arms. Sitting down he allowed the younger to cuddle up to him. Humming the older ran his fingers through his hair and kissed his head. "You can always be comfortable with me, I'll love you whether you're big or little."

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