May 1.0

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Why does it feel as if
I won't bloom again

Walking up to the counter Jungkook looked up at the menu for everyone's chosen flavor of ice cream. As the guy behind the counter waited, Jungkook hummed in thought as he failed to find one that he liked. When he finally decided to just get the same flavor Taehyung had, he looked at the taller male and smiled a small smile before ordering.

"I'll take one small cup of cookies and cream, a cookies and cream cone, two medium cups of mint chocolate, and three medium cups of strawberry"

After paying, Jungkook nodded his head slightly at the male behind the counter as a polite gesture before making his way back to the table they were all sitting at.


Taehyung called up, bouncing in his seat as the male walked over. When Jungkook was finally sat in his seat, Taehyung immediately climbed into his lap. Chuckling, Jungkook rested his chin on Taehyung's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Missed me pumpkin?"

Nodding his head, the said male giggled a small giggle turning around in the older's lap and hugging him tightly.

"So have you guys thought of Punishments and rewards yet?" Namjoon asked.

While the main couple had their little love fest, the other has nothing to do but to watch. Not that they wanted to, but it was hard not to watch something so cute.

Looking up Jungkook shook his head, ignoring the smaller's whine and squirming in his lap.

"As you can see I'm pretty sure he doesn't want punishments, but it's going to happen sooner or later" Jungkook explained.

Namjoon nodded in agreement, "you're right, don't wanna have them spoiled for too long" he laughed nervously, hinting at his own baby who sat in his lap.

Unaware of the conversation, Yoongi looked up at his daddy a bit confused as to why everyone was now looking at him. "Nothing baby" Namjoon reassured the smaller, who then went back to sucking his thumb and resting his head on the taller's chest.

Giggling, Jimin shook Hoseok's shoulders who woke up startled from Jin's shoulder "huh?"

"Yoongi cutes" Jimin spoke, his shoulders shaking a bit as he giggled.
"Yes yes, I know baby, let dada sleep hm?"

"Okay daddy you sleeps now mtay?" Jimin smiled and patted Hoseok's hair gently soon resting his head on Jin's chest.

Humming softly Jin, rubbed the smaller male's arms, comforting him.

Finally the guy was walking up with their ice creams. Squealing Taehyung bounced in his daddy's lap, now waking everyone who were either sleeping or attempting to sleep. As the littles woke, the restaurant became a lot more noisier as they all squealed and giggle excitedly. Smiling Jungkook looked at the waiter and smiled.

"What do you guys say to the waiter?" Jin spoke now sitting up in his seat as he prepared to take his own ice cream.

"Thank you!!!" The littles yelled, having Hoseok have to step in.

"Don't forget inside voices guys"

Nodding the littles eagerly ate their ice creams, adults calmly taking small bites of theirs.


An hour later and they were all getting ready to leave the ice cream shop. Just as Jungkook was about to get up

(I just lost everything i just typed, the entire end of this chapter gone.. fuck my life :/) )

(Okay let's try this again goddamit.)

An hour later and they were all getting ready to leave the ice cream shop. Just as Jungkook was about to get up HE got a phone call. Looking at his phone, he carefully placed the younger male down to stand up. Finally taking the call, he nodded goodbye to the others as he takes Taehyung's hand. After buckling the smaller male in, Jungkook made his way to the other side of the car and got in, driving off immediately.

Taehyung who was minding his own business didn't listen in on the call until he heard the slight panic in his daddy's voice. Slowly taking the older's hand, Taehyung waited for the older male to hang up before he began to ask questions.

¨Everything okay?¨ he asked now out of little space.

Jungkook replied with a broken hum, his grip on Taehyung's hand slightly tightening. Looking ahead at the road he hesitates at what to say to the younger male, his tongue sliding over his bottom lips a few times over nervousness. A few more seconds pass and he opens his mouth to speak.

¨I know I was supposed to come with your and stay over for a bit baby..¨ He speaks, voice a little shaky as the words slide off his tongue. ¨But there's g.. hh there's gonna have to be a change of plans."

It didn't take long for them to get to Taehyung's house. Realizing that they were sitting in front of his place right now, Taehyung began to collect his things humming softly at the information. Taehyung was disappointed to say the least but he couldn't bring himself to make a fuss about seeing Jungkook forcing himself to contain his panic. Leaning over the younger male kisses Jungkook's nose then his lips gently. "Okay baby, call me if anything is wrong, I don't know what's wrong but know it'll be okay okay? Just call me, I won't force it out of you right now, but I'll be expecting a call."

Smiling softly Jungkook hums and watches as Taehyung walks up to his door and unlocks, when the younger male was in he sped off immediately straight to the hospital.

It took a mere few minutes before Jungkook was messily parking, stumbling out of his car as soon as he turned it off and grabbing his keys. Occupied with the thoughts running in his head, he didn't find it an importance to lock the doors to his car.

Standing at front of the front desk he swallowed the lump in his throat breathing in deeply to calm down so he could ask which room his father would be at.

Licking her lips the lady behind it ignored the tears that the younger male was fighting back as it was her job to stay as calm as possible in these situations, working at a hospital. After making sure the boy was related she began to look up the information. She didn't rush the process but instead went at a pace which allowed her to get it done quickly without mistakes. After finding his father's name and room number she looks up with a look of sadness and closed the book slowly, the single gesture giving the news away. Finally speaking up she directed him to the room where he was staying in.

Immediately Jungkook made his way as fast as possible to the older's room and bursted in not caring about anything at this point. Every single hope and longing had left his body the moment he walked in. Was he cursed? His mind became foggy, his vision blurry and his hands clammy. It wasn't his first time he felt like this, he wanted that time to be his last..


i'm sorry i took so long- yall hate me for this i know but difficult times lead to beautiful outcomes? :D

anyways i'll be updating a lot more often now, can't promise but ill try :")

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