April | 1.1

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You glisten like the water under the moonlight
A gentle force in the calm wind
With elegance you control
With care you love

"So who's going to wash the dishes? I made dinner so... it's definitely not going to be me" Jungkook explained making it clear someone had to do the dishes. Ever since Jungkook allowed Taehyung back into his life, it felt as if color had just been introduced for the first on a black and white tv. Taehyung had replaced all his white roses with pink ones. All his kitchen utensils? Disappeared and he had no idea how that happen so fast. One day Taehyung commented on the lack of color, next day his kitchen was a colorful rainbow schemed. Luckily Jungkook wasn't't the type of person to get upset over something so simple. Not only was he unbothered, but he sorta liked it. It felt a lot more like home now that he was used to Taehyung and the others just walking into his house as if they help him pay bills.

Jungkook had never felt happier. It's been a while since he's had people who weren't gushing over him or didn't fear him. He had no intention of making any friends after the fight with Taehyung, but having the friends he had now wasn't bad either. He's never cried ever since that night. After that night he became so cold and closed off unless he was spending time with his parents. Getting used to blocking his feelings out he didn't even cry when his dog died. He felt everyone left him at one point. That's how life was for him. He pushed it all away when they started to get to him. Right now he felt so emotional, the coldness he felt for years had finally began to warm up. He doesn't know what he'd do if he lost any of the people he loved now.

He was grateful really. Taehyung apologized to him and allowed him another chance to have friends and people to care for him other than his parents. He wasn't going to lie, many times he felt he would become one of those rich Ceo who has everything but love and friendship. Yes, the lonely ones in kdramas.

Pulled out of his trance, Jungkook dodged the punch Jimin was about to throw him. Chuckling the older male pulled him into a head lock. "How many times am I gonna tell you JImin you can't catch me off guard."

While the two play fought, the others were too busy deciding who was going to do the dishes. It was an intense battle to say the least. Even the couples were against each other, eyes burning as they stared each other down. it was an all or nothing battle, loser had to wash the dishes today and tomorrow since tomorrow was a Sunday. Taehyung being the first one to blink fell to the floor in dramatic death as the others jumped and cheered in a circle high-fiving each other.

"This isn't FEAR, you guys cheateddd"

Laughing namjoon shrugged. "No one can really beat me when it comes to staring contest."

"Same" Yoongi and Jin replied in unison a stupid grin on their faces.

Hoseok chuckled at the others "If I were you I'd go into space and make Jungkook do them hehe"

And that's when Taehyung got up in shock.
"You're righhtt"

"Yeah no"

startled Taehyung looked around quickly at his daddy who just appeared out of no where. Laughing nervously he got up and rolled over to Namjoon who could get Jungkook to do anything. Jungkook looked up to Namjoon on so many levels he'd probably Rob a bank if Namjoon told him to cause he's 100% sure Namjoon's plan would work. Namjoon IQ was great and they all knew. Jungkook who loved business and languages was ecstatic to find out Namjoon also like things like those. Namjoon had taught him so much their bond had only grown even more. They were all close but in different ways and for different reasons. Speaking in English Namjoon looked at Jungkook. "Just this once yeah?"

"If you can tell me all the english words to everything in the sink I'll wash them for you" he explained switching back to Korean.

Ecstatic Jungkook was up for any challenge Namjoon threw at him.

"You set yourself up for this one Joonie I'm telling you" Jungkook smirked at Namjoon who also had a smirk plastered on his face.

"We'll see"

Twenty minutes later and a soaking Jungkook and Namjoon walked out of the kitchen and sat on the couch where the others were watching a movie.

"Damn what the fuck was ya'll doing??" Jimin watched as they sat down in confusion.

"Language" Hoseok exclaimed as he also waited for the two boys to explain why they were so soaked. The movie now paused since Taehyung didn't want to miss the part where the beast turns into a prince, everyone was listening while he left to get some towels.

At first Jungkook had named all the English words and won. You'd think that'd be simple right. good thing Jungkook stayed to keep Namjoon company cause they had long boring conversations the others didn't even find interesting one bit. While Namjoon got the dishes done, the younger male babbled about the new software he was working on. Namjoon who was listening intently had somehow broke the plates being the klutz he was. Jungkook had walked over to help him cleaning it up not even surprised the older broke a plate. But who decided to put a klutz and a muscle pig in the same room and thought it'd be a good idea for them to do the dishes. "Somehow jungkook had managed to pop the pipe off-"

"How the fuck-"

"again language"

"I'm not in space right now daddy"

"But yoongs is and he could wake up any moment.."

"anyways long story short we managed to fix it only after it gave us a bath as you can see" Jungkook explained and closed his eyes as Taehyung began to dry his hair with a towel. Giggling Taehyung kissed the top of his daddy's head. "I'm not even surprised my daddy is a muscle pig haha"

Finally the moon rose and everyone was in their respected sleeping attire. Each couple had a room now and was getting ready for bed. Only a few weeks ago and Jungkook had only met them for the first time. Now it was almost as if they lived there on the weekends.

"And then they all lived happily ever after.. The end" Jungkook smiled and closed the book as soon as he finished. Placing the book quietly down on the table he slid under the covers next to a sleepy Taehyung who he was just reading a bedtime story to. As soon as the older male got settled the smaller male snuggled into his arms resting his face against his chest. "Dat was amazing dada" Taehyung smiled softly around his pacifier"

"Oh yeah? I gotta say I was surprised the dwarfs allowed her to stay in the cottage and the prince at the end was amazing for saving her with a kiss" he chuckled and kissed Taehyung's forehead.

Giggling Taehyung looked up at Jungkook "would daddy save me like the prince save snowy in da book?"

"of course baby, without thought, I wouldn't even let my baby get hurt" he older assured and pecked his lips "Let's sleep though yeah?"

Humming Taehyung snuggled closer to his daddy and closed his eyes in which the older pulled him closer and closed his as well.


More updates tonight. Get ready we're on for a ride :') a pretty  dangerous one.

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