Febuary | 2.0

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Colors are a mere symbolic presentation of what my life is with you in it

Jungkook had a playful smile on his face as he walked up to Taehyung's door. A few weeks passed since they've been together. Secretly of course, no one but them knew they had a thing going. You couldn't completely say they were boyfriends. Even after that kiss Jungkook still had trouble trusting Taehyung in some occassions. Taehyung learned to just allow Jungkook to figure it out on his own.

Jungkook remained the same distant person in school, but whenever he was with Taehyung alone he'd find himself absentmindedly cuddling the younger, kissing his head or even pecking his lips. Taehyung wouldn't admit it but he felt quite special being the only person In the entire world other than his parents, that Jungkook almost trusted. He was the only other person Jungkook admitted he was comfortable to be around. Knowing this Taehyung became a lot more confident and carefree with the older.

Jungkook made him feel smaller, cuter and more important without even trying. Taehyung's bullies had stopped bothering him, Due to Jungkook's threat and secret meet ups. Don't tell Taehyung.

Today was a Friday, Taehyung was in his room playing with his friends, Or what we'd call it, stuffed animals. Humming he sat up, legs crisscrossed as he placed all his stuffies in one line. They were about to start a talent show and Taehyung had to make sure all the guests were in comfortable seats before the show started. Smiling in accomplishment, Taehyung jumped up on the bed and held his magic wand to his mouth before speaking.

"Wewcome! Wadies and gentamans! Today we awe happy to have you at da one! And da onwy! TATA TALENT SHOW!"

Taehyung smiled a boxy smile as he pulled out a remote and played the video on his tv to make some fake applause and cheering. Pausing the video after only a few seconds he looked at the audience with a genuine smile.

"Soooo! Today we 'ave da fiwst consestant and he will be singing! Me!"

While Taehyung held his talent show, Jungkook was at the door for no apparent reason. He felt like seeing Taehyung today. Licking his lips he placed his phone in his pocket after many tries of calling the younger male. At this point Jungkook was just standing there knocking.

After many tries of Knocking, and failing to get anyone to come to the door, Jungkook slipped his other hand in his pocket. In thought he took a look around the place. Maybe he could find a spare key somewhere. Luckily Like any other typical suspense movie where the murderer finds the key under the mat, Jungkook managed to open the door. Slipping his shoes off He walked into the house and immediately began to walk upstairs where he could hear Taehyung's faint voice. The walls weren't thin, so it was hard to make out what the younger was saying.

Taehyung being oblivious, didn't even hear the footsteps coming up the stairs and bowed 90 degrees for the audience's applaud. It didn't take long for Jungkook to realize Taehyung was talking with a slur, his words were heavily mispronounced. Confused Jungkook stood at the door to listen, just in case he was hearing things. When he kept hearing the slur, he decided to knock on the door.

"Bumblebee" he called out wanting to at least respect the other's privacy.

"Why do I heaw my daddy's voice? i must be heawing things"

Taehuung giggled and jumped off the bed "Thewe's no way He's heaw doe"

Wanting to get a snack and settle down to watch Princess and the frog, Taehyung swung open the door, only to find non other that the one and only Jungkook. His daddy in his fantasies.

Taehyung's heart rate had started beating increasingly fast. He wasn't expecting Jungkook to be in his house. He was wearing a pair of Pink shorts and an oversized white sweater that covered up more than half of his shorts. Leaving only the edges as evidence that he has something on under the sweater.

Jungkook was more shocked at the paci-clip that hung from the hood of Taehyungs hoodie.

"I-I can explain..."

Taehyung wanted to more than cry, things were just starting to go well with Jungkook and now it was all ruined because he was a freak.

Jungkook not knowing what to feel just walked further into the room sat down. Half of him felt a bit weirded out and the other couldn't help but notice how cute Taehyung was.

Tearing up Taehyung closed the door with shaky hands and slowly walked back over to Jungkook.

"I s-sowwy I no- i mean..."

Forcefully Taehyung pulled himself out of his head space and sat down on the floor in front of Jungkook.

"I don know what to say but, I-if you hate me then y-you can leave. I just- this is something I-I d-do to cope with things you know... I'm a little"

"A little?"

"A little..."

Jungkook hummed in a bit of understanding. "What is a little?"

Shifting his weight from his legs to the floor after pulling them from under him, Taehyung sighed and looked down as he fiddle with his hoodie.

"When someone regresses, or acts/do things that a child would normally do to help them relax or cope with certain parts of their life that they can't cope with... I'm sorry I'm such a freak..." Finally the younger male looked up at Jungkook to see disgust but what he saw threw him off.

Jungkook looked rather confused and curious, Taehyung didn't take it the right way. He thought the older was probably weirded out by his habits so he got up and ran out the room locking himself in the bathroom.

Knowing what happened Jungkook got up and walked after him, knocking on the door and leaning in to hear at least something.

"Taehyung.. Come on I'm not judging you baby, I'm just curious..." he explained trying to open the door but failing.

Taehyung was crying at this point, not loudly, but silently. Finally after a few times of trying and trying Jungkook got a small answer from the younger.

"you probably hate me now, I'm weird and Im a freak!" Jungkook's chest tightened at that. He  didn't even think anywhere close to that. If anything he found it cute and intriguing. Jungkook wasn't too used to expressing such feelings. So doing what he only knew to do, he kicked the door open, emitting a shriek from the younger who was quite startled from the suddenness of it all.

"Taehyung." walking over to the Younger Jungkook pulled him up by his shoulders. Not to where he'd stand up but enough to make him look up at him.

"Listen carefully. I don't hate you and you're not a freak. Understood?" Taehyung only nodded his head looking down at the floor immediately after.

Tilting the other's head up Jungkook placed a small peck on his lips and looked down at him "I'll research about it and try to make you feel as comfortable as possible just promise you won't call yourself a freak again?"

Again the younger nodded. Jungkook wasn't having it, he needed a verbal confirmation. "Words baby."



Blushing Taehyung allowed Jungkook to pick him up. Jungkook's muscles and strength came in handy after all. Taehyung could've sworn someone bommed a house in his tummy. Burrying his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck, Taehyung closed his eyes as Jungkook sat down and the younger ended up straddling the older. Jungkook smiled a soft smile, cuddling the smaller male and securing him in his arms as he sat back and enjoyed the comfort they shared.

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