January | 1.0

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Black and white make grey

Finally, the day Jungkook has been waiting for came around. No more waking up to get work done before school, no more coming home to get work done after school. It was his vacation, and he was going to enjoy it. Sitting up he brought his hands up to his face, pulling the skin under his eyes in an attempt to wake himself up. Feeling around for his phone he grabbed the solid object and quickly did finger print recognition to check both the time and the notifications. Normally he'd be up by 4, to get some office work done, but today was a different day.

Jungkook wasn't one to brag about his success, but if he really wanted to he could. The boy was loaded, a multibillionaire who took over his father's business at the age of 16. Up 2 hours early, he put the alarm on for 6, flopping back down on the bed so he could get some more sleep. Today was the start of his 'vacation'. Though, he still had school, it's a lot better than having to work both morning and evening to get things done.

There was nothing special he wanted to be really. He had already decided he wanted to be a business major, being the Daddy's boy he is. He's was always into business since he was young. Fascinated at such a young age at his father who did everything to the best of his abilities.

It's no surprise Jungkook looked up to his father so much, the man was what you'd call an amazing parent, If there was any... He'd set a great example for fathers out there.

It was now 6 am, eventually Jungkook pushed himself up to start getting dressed for school. Aside from the white, his closet was the only thing that had anything of color and it was one small pair of blue, baby shoes. Everything else in the closet was black and white, and the colors stopped there. His bedding was black, a fluffy black cloud of comforter and sheet, . His pillows were soft and plush, because he liked to be comfortable. The rest of his house was a polished white and... white...

He wasn't one for colors. He liked simplicity and there's nothing, in his eyes, that gave of simplicity the most, than white itself. His house mostly stayed like that because there was no one he had to impress, and no one to decorate it for him. He was horrible at art in middle school. Concluding that if he even tried to decorate, not that he wanted to nevertheless, it'd only be a fuck up.

Finally, dressed in his go-to black hoodie and a black pair of sweatpants, he pulled his Tims on and grabbed his keys from his bedside table. After grabbing his phone off the table, he dialed the number to his mom's phone putting it to his ear as he locked the front door and walked to his car.

"Hey mom, I was just calling since we haven't talked in a while, I'm on my way to school right now and I wanted you to know I'm alive" he chuckled and unlocked his car doors.

Getting in he smiled at his mother's response. "I know, I know I should've picked up your calls but sometimes I get so caught up in work-"

"Yeah I know" he emphasized the 'know' as he pulled out of his garage "I'll break it one day mother" he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, tell dad I love him and love you too, Iloveyoumore" with that he quickly kissed the phone and hung up before his mother could say anything.

Smiling a tooth filled smile at his own victory, he pulled into the parking lot, finally making it to school. He grabbed the small backpack that held his iPad, charger, keys, money and some chopstick as he got out of his car. He really didn't need much, he took notes on his iPad. He was a senior he barely had classes that he needed to take notes for, being that he took most of his curriculum classes ahead of everyone.

"If you wanted to succeed you had to always be ahead of everything, make it your own little competition, and do your best, just don't overwork it."

A conversation he had with his father at 9 when he asked why he always stayed up so late to work. He always wanted to go to work with his father. He looked down at his phone as he walked into school, pretending to type.

He only recently found out that if he pretended to be busy on his phone and pretend to do some office work, the people at school would only gasp and call at him. Only occasionally they would try to grab his arm.

Ever since he took over his father's company, girls and even boys would swoon over him, asking him out and sending him gifts. His good looks well-fit body only made it worse, he didn't hate the attention at first. In middle school he was only a jock, after middle school he became known as the schools very own model. He had stopped with sports, barely speaking to anyone since he would leave school early to train for his dad's company, even during lunch. Something about business and technology, he didn't know what it was, but he loved it.

No one liked to approach him. His demeanor was terrifying, his toned muscles hidden under his hoodie, the focused look on his face. The fact that he beat someone to the hospital for touching his iPad and deleting some kind of work only added to the fuel. No one knew what the boy deleted, but he was hospitalized for almost 2 months. For that Jungkook was grounded, his iPad taken away from him for a month and it felt like eternity, as if he was being tortured in hell. At least in his eyes.

Ever since then, plus him taking over his dad's company, he had everyone swooning over both his bad boy demeanor and his success at such a young age. At this point Jungkook was used to people yelling his name, trying to grab his arm, drooling over him. He learned to just act busy on his phone and pull away at the right time when someone tries to touch him. He hated the attention but he had bigger problems.

Taehyung was his problem, the school's fuckboy. Not that he cared about him or anything, but more like he was just always noticeable. Though Jungkook would never admit such a thing, he found the younger male quite adorable. He doubted Taehyung actually fucked anyone in his life and that was due to the fact that Taehyung looked to him like he was a scared puppy barking at everyone because it was something he had to do to protect himself.

Jungkook had always found the boy endearing. His curiosity only grew with each passing day. What did he like to do? What is his family like? How is he financially? What shows did he like? Soon Jungkook was swooning over him, despite all the pretty girls who threw themselves at him, he wanted Taehyung... If only he could just hold him in his arms and whisper sweet everything in his ear as he kissed his head-

Licking his lips Jungkook broke himself from his thoughts, now realizing that he was staring at the said male. He couldn't date him if he even wanted to. He had more important things to do other than dating and swooning over a twink. Like working and spending time with his parents (he's a spoiled brat, just don't say it to his face). Plus, Taehyung hated him and is way out of his reach.

No one else thought that, but in Jungkook's eyes, Taehyung was ethereal. Pulling back on the cold look as if it was clothing he looked out the window. He was now sitting in class waiting for the teacher to arrive so he could get these things over with. He wanted to go home and play video games.

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