hello old friend

703 37 11

3 years later

Iris packed the last of her clothes into her suitcase. She didn't even know why she agreed to take pictures of a wedding that was in greece. She had been there once during a class trip. The beautiful buildings caught her attention and for several months, she couldn't stop sketching them.

"I wish I could go with you," esme said from the couch, mandy on top of her.

"If you went, you would be busy doing something else instead of helping me." Iris responded and grabbed her camera from her room. "I'll bring you back some souvenirs."

"Is the souvenir a Greek guy?"

Zack drove her to the airport, ranting about how his mom wanted grandkids already. "And I said, 'mom, the fucking bitch at the front desk said we're on a waiting list, we'll get picked soon'. Girl, that was five months ago, if I don't get a phone call saying that my son or daughter is being shipped to me soon, I'm grabbing the first kid i see and naming them Bartholomew."

"They don't ship kids to you." Iris said. "And I'm pretty sure that's called kidnapping."

"Don't you want to be called aunt iris already? Support me, dumbass." Zack scoffed.

"I would, but I also wouldn't call my kid Bartholomew."

"I gotta honor my man Barry allen."

Zack said goodbye to iris and drove off. She grabbed her suitcase and walked inside of the airport. Soon, her flight to greece was landing and she was driven to the hotel she had planned to stay at.

The view outside her hotel room was breathtaking. The sunset was like the ones you see in the movies. The light blue sky blended perfectly with the pinkish clouds. Iris was mad at herself for not visiting Greece sooner. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and she never wanted it to end.

The next day, she got a call from the groom's mother asking if she could come an hour before she was scheduled to take photos. Iris agreed and got ready. She slipped on a red floral dress and her white sandals. A wedding in summer was okay for iris, but the wedding taking place in greece during summer was something else.

Iris arrived at a hotel where the wedding was taking place. She saw many hotel workers hurrying to get the place decorated and ready before the guests arrived.

"Excuse me? I'm the photographer, the groom's mother asked me if I could be here an hour early," iris said to one of the workers.

"She is over there." The worker pointed to the back area of the hotel where she stood talking to her son.

"Thank you." Iris replied and walked towards her.

"Oh! You're here! I was thinking if we could take some photos before the wedding. Maybe down by the beach?" She explained as soon as she saw iris.

"Yeah sounds good. Is it just the groom?" Iris asked.

"And the groomsmen." As if on cue, the groomsmen walked in. Each of them looking like they were ready for a beach day instead of a wedding.

As iris looked at each of them, she saw someone that caught her attention.

"Joe?" She whispered.

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