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Hey guys… How are you all?

Sorry that I could not post one more episode last week.. will try to post 2-3 posts this week…


The episode starts with Riya calling Saumya..

“Somu.. I am waiting in our college entrance.. come as soon as possible.. We shall go to that boy’s college and collect your money”,says Riya.

Saumya says,”Seems like you will not allow me inside the college. Anyways,I too want my money. He is not picking up my calls. Let’s go and see him”.

“Thank you so much Somu. Come fast! I am waiting”,says Riya in excitenent.

Saumya starts her bike. Within a few minutes,she reaches the college. Riya gets in her bike and both of them reach Rudra’s college.

“But Somu.. How do we find him? You don’t know his name nah??”,asks Riya.

“I don’t know anything about him. I should have asked him all his details. I thought that he would be honest and return my money. I did not think he would be like this”,she says.

“Lets wait and see”,Riya says. “This college is so nice nah? Very good environment. Very peaceful too”,says Riya checking out a boy.

“I don’t like this college”,says Saumya purposefully.

“Why dear? See how wonderful this place is!”,she sees another boy.

“Every place where you get to see a lot of guys is nice to you,isn’t it Riya?”,asks Saumya.

Riya grins.

“You met him for the first time in this college only nah?? Where did you meet him that day?? We shall go there so that we could spot him easily”,says Riya in order to divert the topic..

Saumya stares at her and both of them go to the place where Saumya first met him and wait there.

By then,shivaay enters the college in his bike. On seeing Saumya,he comes near her and removes his helmet.

“Wow! Is it him,Somu? He is really handsome… You called him Uncleji?”,Riya says sighing.

Saumya pinches her.

“Somu! Why are you here? Came to meet om?? “,asks Shivaay.

“Shivaay bhaiya!”,Saumya starts but is interrupted by Riya.

“She might call you as bhaiya.. but I won’t mr. Handsome”,says Riya.

Shivaay gives a confused expression.

“Riya. Will you please shut up? He is Shivaay bhaiya.. Om bhaiya’s close friend”,says Saumya.

Riya is embarassed and she grins. “So what? He is handsome nah? Is there anything wrong in calling you handsome,BHAIYA?”,she asks.

Saumya opens her mouth wide on seeing her change.

She controls her laugh. Shivaay too smiles.“No. Nothing wrong sister”,says Shivaay.

He looks at Saumya looking for an answer. Saumya understands it.

“Bhaiya.. I came to see a friend”,Saumya lies.

“Oh! Do you need any help?”,asks Shivaay.

“No bhaiya.. He will come now”,says Riya and then bites her teeth.

“Him?”,shivaay asks.

“Bhaiya.. He is Riya’s brother. She came to meet him and I came with him”,Saumya lies. Riya gasps.

FRIENDSHIP,LOVE AND NOTHING ELSE-2.0 Love! Live!! Dream!!!Where stories live. Discover now