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Let’s see what happens today..


It’s the evening.. Anika and Gauri come out of the class..

Anika says,”I am really tired dear… This professor bored us with his lecture.. it has been 15 minutes since the bell rang”.

Gauri rolls her eyes,”Ya honey! I literally went to some dreamworld,so that I would not get bored”.

“This seems like a better idea.. I will follow this too.. I will try to get ideas for my stories”,Anika winks.

“Hope you will get better stories at least then”,Gauri teases.

“Gauri.. So,you mean that my stories are not good now,isn’t it?? Very bad”,Anika fakes anger.

“Honey.. I was just joking”,Gauri convinces her.

Anika smiles.

“I want to tell you something”,Anika become serious.

Gauri looks at her watch,”Honey! It’s already late.. Omkara and Akash would be waiting for me.. I have to go.. Your bus too will be waiting for you nah?? You too leave.. We will talk tomorrow..See you”,Gauri goes without waiting for Anika’s reply..

Anika throws her hands in the air in disappointment and goes..


Gauri goes and sits on a wooden bench..

“I thought Om and Akash would have come by now. But they are not! I don’t know where they are”,she tells herself..

“If Akash comes today,I have to warn him.. He is not coming properly.. He comes one day and he is not coming for 10 days.. let me teach him a lesson”,she says angrily..

By then Akash comes there..

“Good evening didi”,Akash greets her.

“Who are you?”,Gauri asks angrily.

“Didi! Don’t joke.. It’s already late”,he tries to convince her.

“Oh! It’s late? Now only you see it?”,Gauri asks him.

He looks on.

“What are you thinking?? You are not coming properly. You don’t finish the work I assign to you. Atlast,you give me all the burdens. This is not a place to enjoy. You have come to me to learn something”,Gauri yells.

“Didi! College life is for enjoying too nah? I don’t want to work everyday. I need some time to enjoy too”,Akash says.

“Look! Professor has asked me to teach you something about writing poems. You can write better only when you do whatever I say. But you are not. You are not at all working Akash. You spend all your time in only enjoying. This is not fair”,Gauri fumes.

Omkara comes out of his class. He is restless and so scared that how would Gauri react on knowing the truth about him. He comes to the campus and sees the place where they usually meet from a distance.

He sees Gauri shouting at Akash. He merely sees her expressions and actions but cannot hear her.

“I think Gauri is complaining about me to Akash. Anika might have told everything about me. That’s why she is very angry”,he says himself..

He looks keenly.

Gauri talks to Akash but now too he could see only her actions.

Gauri to Akash:
“If you had done the works given by me properly,I would have myself given you some free time for enjoyment. But you did not complete even a single work. I don’t want persons like you. Be responsible or else get lost”,she shouts.

FRIENDSHIP,LOVE AND NOTHING ELSE-2.0 Love! Live!! Dream!!!Where stories live. Discover now