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Hey guys… How are you all?? Hope you liked the previous episode..

I am back with the next episode..


When Omkara and Saumya reaches the park,Anika and Gauri had already arrived and they were waiting. Omkara sees them and tells Saumya,”Somu! We are gonna meet my friends now. Stay quiet and just answer their questions. If they tell you something which you don’t know just see me”.

Saumya rolls her eyes. “Are you lying to them?”

“I will explain everything later. So,if they ask you some question,just see me. If I blink twice,you have to say yes. And if I blink once you have to say no”,Omkara says.

“Bhaiya! What is this? I can’t do this. I am leaving”

“Somu! Please do me this favour. Won’t you do this for me?”,he pleads.

Saumya nods.

“Thank you Somu”,he grabs her hand and takes her there.

Gauri and Anika see them both coming.

“Hey Om!”,Gauri greets him at the top of her voice.

“Hi Gauri! Hi Anika!”,says Om politely.

“Hi Om!”,says Anika while she and Gauri looks at Saumya.

“Om! Is she your sister?”,asks Gauri. Om nods.

Anika forwards her hand and says,”Hi! I am Anika”. Saumya shakes her hand saying,”Saumya”.

“Wow! Beautiful name! And you are so pretty”,says Gauri.

Saumya smiles at her and says,”Thank you”.

Anika asks her,”What are you doing Saumya?”.

Saumya remembers Om’s orders and she sees him. But he is not looking at her. He is thinking about how is gonna tackle Anika if she confronts him.

Saumya looks at Anika saying,”I am doing my final year UG”.

“That’s great dear!”,says Gauri.

“But.. I have a doubt”,Anika says and Om’s heart stopped beating.

“What honey?”,asks Gauri.

“Omkara is also in final year. His sister too is in final year. How come this possible?”,Anika asks them giving a confused expression.

Saumya sees Omkara with a worried expression,while om looks at her with a “why did you say that”,expression.

Omkara talks to himself,”CBI officer Anika has started her work. Do something Om”,he thinks of an idea.

“Gauri! Shall we go there and start our work?”,asks Om pointing to a wooden bench.

“Ya! Sure om!”,says Gauri and is about to move.

Omkara goes to the bench and sits. Anika grabs Gauri’s hand and whispers to her,”He did not answer my question yet”.

“Honey! Why is it so important?”.

“I have a doubt Gauri! I think he has failed in some class and now he is studying the same class as his sister. That’s why he is not answering me”,Anika says seriously.

“How can think like this dear?”,Gauri asks her and laughs uncontrollably.

On seeing Saumya looking at both of them,she stops.

Gauri excuses and goes to sit with Om. By then Shivaay aarives. He sees Om and Gauri talking and does not notice Saumya and Anika.

“Seems like Om is sorting things out with Gauri. I will go and support him”,thinks Shivaay and goes to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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