LOVE! LIVE!! DREAM!!! (FLN - 2.0) - EPISODE 12

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Hey guys… So happy in meeting you all through this fanfiction after really a long time..

So so so very sorry for not posting episodes for this long time… I was literally busy… I will try to find time hereafter to write this ff…

RECAP : Shivaay and Omkara patch up after a big fight. Riya and Saumya meet Rudra and get money.

(Sorry for making Om and Shivaay wait in the college campus for nearly a month😂… ignore if it is a bad joke)


Shivaay asks Omkara to tell the truth to Gauri when he gets to know that Om meets her everyday in the mask of another person.. Their talk continues..

“I am also afraid to think of the consequences when Gauri gets to know that I have cheated her. I don’t know when I am gonna disclose the truth to her”,says a worried Omkara.

Shivaay keeps a hand in his shoulder,”Once you tell her the truth,she will definitely be angry at you. But she will understand you. She is really a nice girl”.

“I hope so”,says Omkara.

Shivaay smiles.

“But I did not expect that you will understand my situation. I thought you would shout at me badly”,says Omkara.

Shivaay raises his eyebrows and says,”So,you want me to fight with me? Then why to destroy your desire? I am ready to shout at you”.

Shivaay starts scolding him by calling names. Om closes his ears.

“Hey! Stop! Stop! Stop!”,yells Omkara and closes Shivaay's mouth.

But Shivaay did not stop. After getting tired,he stops.

He pants and looks at Omkara. Omkara pouts. Shivaay laughs and later Omkara too joins him. Anika watches this from a distance. She goes to them. She hears Omkara talking and stops there itself.

“I want to tell you something. Hope you will listen to me”.

Shivaay looks on.

“The words which I used yesterday might be wrong. But my point is right Shivaay. I mean.. I want you to pursue your dream”

Shivaay stops him,”Om.. I don’t want to talk about it”.

“This time you have to listen to me Shivaay. If you consider me as your friend”.

Shivaay tries to move.

“If you go from here,I will not talk to you hereafter”,Om warns him.
Shivaay looks.

“A third person can be an obstacle in pursuing your dreams. But in your case,you are the obstacle. Please think about it Shivaay. I have told this to you a million times. Still I am telling you because I want you to achieve your dream.. I want you to be happy”,says Omkara without a pause.

Shivaay looks at him keenly. Omkara hugs him. Shivaay hugs him back.

A few moments later,they part.

“Shall we go?”,asks Om. Shivaay nods.

They turn and see Anika.

Omkara is shocked to see her.

“Anika.. you… here… when did you come?”,he stammers.

“Hi Om! I came this way and stopped on seeing you”,she answers.

“Oh”,Om says.

He thinks,”I am so worried that Anika would have heard me telling about Gauri to Shivaay. What if she tells Gauri that I am not her Junior and I am cheating her? No.. But I am not sure whether she heard me or not. Shall I ask her? No Om! Don’t go and fall in the trap by yourself”. He rolls his eyes.

Shivaay and Anika look at his weird expressions.

"Om! Are you okay?”,they ask in unison.

Om comes to senses and grins at them.

He says himself,”Divert the topic you duffer”.

“I think both of you think the same way. That’s why you both asked the same question in unison”,he says.

Anika and Shivaay look at each other. Anika smiles at Shivaay.

O jaana instrumental plays..

”Stupid Om! Anybody on seeing your expressions would have said the same”, Shivaay hits his head. Om pouts.

“Ya Om! I thought you have some stomach problem on seeing your expressions”,Anika says. On hearing that, Shivaay burst out laughing.  He high fives with her.

By then Anika gets a call from Rudra. She excuses and goes.

Om and Shivaay too leave.


Anika meets with Rudra and Gauri.
Rudra tells them about Riya and Saumya coming and getting money from him. Gauri teases him. But Anika remains silent.

Gauri signs to Rudra and asks what happened to Anika.

He shakes his head and signs whether she knows. She pouts.

He signs her to ask Anika. Gauri in turn signs him to ask her.

Rudra shouts,”If I ask the reason this granny(Anika) will start telling stories. I am not ready to listen to them and spoil my already spoilt mood”.

Anika sees him and comes to senses.

“Honey(Anika) what happened? Why are you silent?”,asks Gauri.

“Nothing dear! Just thinking”,answers Anika.

“Might be thinking of another dumb story”,Rudra comments. Anika hits him.

Gauri laughs.

“Any problem?”,Gauri answers.

“Actually.. today I heard Om and Shivaay talking. I was thinking about it”,says Anika.

“Hey Anika! Don’t you know? It’s very bad to listen to others personal talks. How indecent you are?”,Rudra says.

“If you say one more word,I will kill you”,says Anika.

Rudra keeps quiet.

“Actually they both were talking about ___”,before she could finish,the bell rings.

“I am getting late to class”,says Rudra and leaves.

“Better go there before I slap you”,Anika shouts.

“Cool Honey! Come! Let’s go to the class. Tell me about their talk in class”,Gauri takes her to the class.


Omkara is in class. Shivaay is keenly taking notes while Om is lost in thoughts.

“Did Anika hear everything? Would she have told everything to Gauri? But she was normal. She spoke with me as usual. She was nice with both Shivaay and me. Wait! Shivaay and me?? She saw me with Shivaay. She saw us together. Means she would have understood that we are friends. Friends from the same class. So she would have come to a conclusion that I am not their Junior. But in fact a senior. That’s it! She will say all these to Gauri. I clearly know that some earthquake is going to come in my life today. Oh God!”

He becomes restless. Shivaay sees him.

“Om! Take the notes”,he orders him.

PRECAP : Gauri calls Omkara and says , ”I don’t want to talk to you. You cheated me”.

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