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Hey guys.. how are you all?? I am back with the next episode..


The episode starts with Om meeting Shivaay…

Shivaay asks,” Om! Where did you go? I saw you with Rudra and his friends. But when I came near you,you were gone somewhere”.

“Rudra? Who is Rudra?? I don’t know. And what are you saying?? I don’t understand”,Om lies.

“Om! Don’t lie. You really don’t know Rudra,Anika and Gauri?”,he asks seriously.

“No shivaay! I don’t know”,Om answers.

“Don’t lie om! I saw you and waved my hand. You too responded”,says shivaay.

“What? I am coming just now shivaay. I think you saw someone else”,says Omkara.

“No. It’s you! You are lying to me”,Shivaay gets angry.

“Why am I going to lie? What am I going to get out of this?”,Omkara tries to convince him.

“No om! I think you are doing something without my knowledge nowadays. You are leaving early in the evenings from the class. I thought you are going home. But I came to know that you are reaching home late from Saumya. I don’t want to interfere in your privacy. You are my friend for nearly seven yesars and  it hurts me when I think that you don’t want to let me know the things which you do”,Shivaay says sadly.

“Shivaay! I am not doing anything without telling you”,lies Omkara.

“I feel like you are lying om”,shivaay says.

“I am not lying shivaay. Please believe me”,Om says.

“Ok.. Let it be. I don’t want to know”,says shivaay moving.

Om fumes. “Shivaay! Stop overreacting. Did I tell you anything whenever you go to that music class without telling me? You go wherever you want,you don’t listen to my words,you lie to me if I ask you whether you go there. But now you are accusing me. What is wrong?”.
Om sees Shivaay’s face and stops.

Shivaay is heartbroken.

“Sorry shivaay”,Om goes near him but shivaay moves.

Om is angry at his own self. He goes and sits with Shivaay in class. But shivaay gets up and sits in another place.

He did not speak a single word after that to om. Even when Om goes to him,he ignores him.

Om is very sad.

“I should not have spoken so much to Shivaay. I know everything about his past. But I don’t know why I reacted like that. I lost my composure. I should have listened to him. He is hurt. I should have told him the truth. But I fear that I may lose Gauri. Seems like shivaay knows Gauri. If I tell him that I am meeting Gauri everyday in a mask of another person,he would scold me. He may go and tell her too. I know I am cheating her. I am guilty of that too. But I will tell her someday why I did so. I will tell about my love for her words and how much I enjoy her company. But shivaay never accepts someone cheating others. He does not like it. He will punish me even if he comes to know that I am cheating her. But,today I did not intend to talk to him about his going to the music class. My anger took over me. I regret it. I don’t know how I am going to solve this”. He sighs.


It’s evening. Omkara comes to meet Gauri.

"Good evening Omkara", says Gauri with cute smile. Omkara smiles back.

“Ok.. Let’s start writing poems for this week”,Gauri says for which Omkara nods.

Gauri explains him everything but he is not listening to her. He is lost in some thoughts. Gauri feels that but she did not show much interest in knowing the reason.

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