Birth Of A Newtype Saiyan

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On a red planet in the far distant part of the galaxy houses the most ruthless and deadliest race in the universe. The Saiyan race, a race of pure warriors who seek power and planets to test out their might before selling it for the planet trade organization under the Cold family. There's been a myth of the legendary supersaiyan reappearing. However, that will mean nothing for what will happen in the future.

In the year AGE709 in the saiyan birth chambers giving birth is a woman apart of the Elite rank in the royal army. Her name is Hana AKA the berserker. Beside her is her middle class husband Huo. at the moment they couldn't even believe what they were seeing. Out of all three triplets, their first born child is born with a power level of...8?! However, that's not all. there's three more things about him that's different, 

1. He has no tail.

2. He has one big yellow metallic like spike that looks like a feather in appearance.

3. Lastly, he has lines going down his face like that of the cold race.

Hana looked on in shock before rage began to take over. What the hell is this?! This isn't a saiyan child of mines! "This cant be! I'm an elite," How can this be! She lashed out while making the surrounding males afraid.

"Quiet down all of this non-sense, cant you see that i'm trying keep my pride and joy from awaking!" Demanded the queen in rage while holding princess vegeta all the while surprising the rest of the saiyans present. 

"Forgive us your majesty, we didn't mean to disturb you" pleaded Huo while getting on his knees.

"silence!" you'd better have a good reason or else i'll kill both of you and the child." now explain!"

"If I may your majesty, but take a look for your self" replied the male nurse as he held the strange saiyan child by the leg. 

At the sight of the child, the queen had a double take on the childs' appearance. "What sort of preposterous is this?" question the queen in shock. 

We where wondering what you would want us to do with him, should we kill him?

"No." Cold would definitely know something is up if that happens." Hmmm, what of his power level?

"8" mam. Its power level of just 8.

And the other two?

"Both have a power level of 500."

Well that's impressive. Only 300 under my daughter's level. but the matter of your son still remains. 

As a matter of fact, I have an idea But it will take some time. For the next four years, you are to take care of him until he makes four. Once he makes four, you can do whatever you want with him. I expect by then that he'll be able to survive as a low-class. Other than that, good job with the other two. They'll make perfect troops in the future as elites next to my daughter. "In the meantime good luck with that failure" finished the queen before exiting while leaving an angry family.

Little did they know that the baby that was born without a tail is actually the first Newtype since the original 18 universe's before they were wiped out.

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