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Jeno woke up to a loud laugh and Renjun telling his boyfriend to, for the love of all things holy, please be just a little quieter. Jeno got up and wandered into the living room, where Renjun was on Skype with Chenle, who was in the middle of hair and makeup.

Even though Renjun had been drinking, he would still get up to say good morning to his beloved boyfriend, Chinese model and musician Zhong Chenle. Currently, Renjun was nursing coffee Jeno knew had salt in it to wake him up faster, and was wrapped miserably in a blanket.

Chenle, on the other hand, looked bright and cheerful, his bright green hair being meticulously blow dried and styled as his makeup artist fussed at him and he pouted.

"Performance?" Jeno asked, yawning. Chenle made a noise of affirmation, and his hair stylist waved at him.

"Hello Jeno," Sicheng said in heavily accented Korean, and Jeno waved.

"Hello Sicheng," he replied in Mandarin.

"That's right, Jeno's learning Mandarin."

"Really?" Chenle exclaimed, and his makeup artist sighed.

"Chenle, please calm down!"

"Sorry Dejun!" Chenle apologised, and Renjun smiled at Chenle fondly.

"You're doing okay right?"

"Kun's being a meanie but otherwise -"

"I am not being mean! No!" They heard Kun shout, and the handsome, albeit stressed, manager of Chenle appeared. "You want to know why I'm mean? I wouldn't let him go into the rain without a rain jacket and umbrella!"

"Mean!" Chenle said childishly, stocking out his tongue, and Dejun began to scold Chenle again.

"Shut up," Jaemin groaned, dragging himself out of his room.

"Coffee with salt is in the pot and I ordered greasy takeout." Renjun replied, and Jaemin gave a thumbs up, going to the kitchen. Jeno trailed behind him, making sure Jaemin didn't break anything in his hungover state.

"You're doing okay right Renjun?" Chenle asked, worried. Renjun nodded, smiling reassuringly at his boyfriend.

"I am, I promise. School starts in two days, so I'm going to be getting busy again."

"I know," Chenle said ruefully. "I wish I could live in Korea with you."

"Your life is in Beijing love," Renjun soothed. "I'll visit as soon as I can though. I'm sorry last time I could only stay for three days, my internship was a bitch this summer."

"It's okay, it was the best three days." Chenle smiled reassuringly. "I might take a vacation soon to say hello!"

"Sounds good," Renjun smiled, thinking of his boyfriend being next to him. "I'll hug you and never let you go."

"That's a plan then," Chenle giggled.

"Five minutes until stage!" Someone shouted, and Chenle looked away from the Skype call, accepting the mic he was handed and putting in an earpiece.

"I have to go."

"I know." Renjun said sadly.

"I love you," Chenle beamed.

"I know." Renjun replied as the connection went dead, and he sighed.

Long distance relationships hurt, especially when all you wanted was hangover cuddles.

The doorbell rang, and Jeno walked to the door, pulling cash out of Renjun's wallet. "Thank you, how much do I owe you?" Jeno trailed off, looking up to see Mark and the boy from the shop. "Hi?"

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