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Give me the motherfucking cat!"

"Bad word! No!"

"Give me the cat! You're allergic you dumbo!"

"I don't care!"

"You have hives!"

"So what? Love is pain sometimes!"

"This isn't pain, this is a deathly allergic reaction!"

"I don't care! I am in love with Marble!"

"You picked her up when I didn't know you were allergic to cats!"

"So what? I am in love now!"

Renjun opened the door, more than confused at the dialogue. But it was quickly answered when he opened the door to reveal Jeno, holding a cat above his head, like something from the Lion King, and Mark was standing with his hands on his hips.


"Jun! Tell Mark that my allergy isn't that bad!" Jeno was wearing a mask and gloves, and he had the beginnings of hives forming on his neck, along with a stuffy nose.

"Jeno, you have hives."

"I took allergy medication! They should die down soon!" Jeno sneezed immediately after, and Renjun sighed.

"Jeno, remember when you tried to adopt those seven cats and you landed in the hospital?"

"That was once!" Sneeze. "Marble's different!" Another sneeze. She's only one kitty!"

"You could die Jeno. Is she really -"

"Yes. Marble is worth the entire world. Can we please keep her?" Jeno pouted, holding the kitten closer and giving puppy eyes to both boys. Mark found himself melting - and Renjun did too, but not to the point he did what Mark did.

"I'll adopt her."

"What?" Renjun asked, looking at Mark in shock. "You'll do what?"

"I'll adopt her?" Jeno looked at Mark with wide eyes, tears welling up from allergies or emotions, no one really knew.

"Really?" Jeno whimpered before sneezing, tears falling out of his eyes. "Can I go shopping with you for pet supplies? I want to make sure Marble is comfortable."

"Now?" Mark asked, and Jeno nodded. "Jeno, it's eleven pm."

"I know a pet store that's open all night," Jeno sniffled pitifully, and Mark internally screamed at the cuteness. "Please?"

"Is it a date?" Mark asked, only slightly joking. Jeno turned pink and fidgeted nervously with Marble.

"Um, I don't know, I've never had a -"

"If you're not comfortable with it being a date yet, I'll wait until you are sweetheart," Mark said sweetly, resulting in Jeno hiding his face behind Marble, which resulted in a violent sneezing fit.

Renjun sighed, knowing they'd forgotten his presence. Really, Jeno just had to admit he was starting to like Mark, and Mark had to come around to the fact that Jeno wasn't going to be a fling.

"L-let's just go," Jeno said, toddling out to put on his shoes. Renjun turned to Mark, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you like him?"

"I do," Mark responded.

"And it's not some fling?"

"No. I'd really like to date him for a long time. Yeonjung was an absolute demon, she messed me up. But Jeno's like a ray of sunshine, I want to make him happy and feel like he's unconditionally loved."

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