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Jeno nibbled on his pencil eraser, ignoring the snacks that he had littered around him for the time being. He was sunk into the cushions on his comfy chair to the point that his feet were dangling off the ground, and it looked like the plush chair was devouring the boy in a pastel green hoodie.

It made a very cute sight for the girl coming up to ask for help. "Jeno?"

"Yes?" He asked, smiling up at her.

"C-can you help me with this vocabulary exercise? I didn't quite understand all t-the words," she trailed off, and Jeno just smiled at her.

"No worries! I see they're medical terms, so I'll be able to help pretty easily! So, an angiogram is a blood vessel record. It's used to make sure that you're not developing blockages or at risk!"

"Okay," she nodded, beginning to understand.
"Ataxia is unstable ambulation."

"And ambulation is the ability to walk from place to place independently with or without assistive devices."

"Bingo!" Jeno beamed widely, clapping his hands. "And encephalitis?"

"Brain inflammation," Mark smirked, sitting down across from Jeno and the girl. "Hello Koeun."

"Hello Mark," Koeun smiled, flushing from the attention. "I heard you broke up with Yeonjung?"

"I did, yes. And I have no intentions of getting back with her."

"So you're on the market?" Koeun smiled, leaning forwards and batting her eyelashes.

"I am as of now," Mark responded, and Jeno opened his bag of chips loudly. "Jeno, we're kind of having a moment," Mark whispered, and Jeno shrugged.

"I'm having a bag of chips." Jeno replied. "Go flirt somewhere else. I want to study in peace." Mark sighed, and then realised exactly what he was doing.

He was flirting in front of his crush.

Well. That was definitely not the way to get to Jeno's heart.

"But I have my sights set on someone. Sorry Koeun."

"That's alright Mark. Just let me know if it doesn't work out." Koeun winked, and Jeno gagged a little, covering it with a cough.

"It will work out," Mark said confidently, glancing over at Jeno. Jeno snickered, and Koeun smiled a little, knowing what was going on.

This peaceful moment was interrupted by one Choi Yeonjung slamming herself down on the table in front of Mark. "Excuse me Miss, you're laying on my snack."

Both of them looked at Jeno, and Yeonjung snarled. "Is Mark suddenly yours?" She asked, and Jeno shook his head.

"No, you're on my sour gummy worms. I'd rather not have them pop." Yeonjung frowned, pulling the gummy worms out from under her and throwing them at Jeno. Jeno caught them and got back to work on his homework, helping Koeun when she needed it.

Mark was very clearly uncomfortable, Yeonjung was laying across his homework, and Jeno watched with amusement and a small twinge of jealousy.

Jealousy? No way. Sure, Mark was effortlessly handsome, sweet, funny, smart, and Jeno definitely isn't crushing on him. He refused to date as well, unless the right person came along. And Mark wasn't that.

"No?" Jaemin asked, looking down at Jeno, who blinked up at him innocently. "I have to dash out, you'll be okay getting home right?"

"Yes," Jeno pouted. "I know Renjun has theatre until late too. I'll be fine Na."

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

"It's an eleven minute walk Na, nothing I haven't done before." Jeno giggled, and Jaemin sighed.

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