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Chenle waited patiently, practically glued to the window as he waited for the guests to start arriving. "Lele, you're more excited than me." Chenle's fiancé Renjun scolded lightly, making sure the food was all ready.

"I know but it's been so long!"

"It's been two months." Renjun chuckled, smiling fondly at his fiancé. "And besides, it's not like you don't talk to Jisung."

"But him and Jaemin are always talking," Chenle whined. That was true - after Jeno and Mark has graduated, they all kind of floated off into their couples.

Renjun and Chenle moved in together, Donghyuck and Yukhei had their son and got an apartment, Jaemin went on a study abroad for a half semester to Egypt, Jisung entered college, Jeno moved out of Seoul, and Mark went back to Canada for personal reasons. "Are Mark and Jeno still dating?"

"I don't know," Renjun shrugged, frowning just as Chenle let out a squeal of delight and flung open the door, revealing Jisung.

"Jisung!" Chenle screeched, wrapping himself around the boy like a boa constrictor. "I missed you!"

"We hung out last week Chenle - here Renjun, it's chocolate chip cookies - Chenle you're turning me purple -" Jisung let out a strangled gasp with that, and Renjun chuckled, taking the cookies and kissing his fiancé lightly on the cheek, making his grip loosen.

"How's Jaemin?"

"He got home a couple days ago, he's been sleeping nonstop so I'm hoping he's not dead when he comes." The fondness was visible in Jisung's voice and his features as they softened, and Renjun chuckled.

"He won't be."

"I'm here!" Donghyuck declared, bursting through the door. "I brought Yukhei because he's a bigger baby than Heeyoung."

"And we brought three cookie cakes!" Yukhei enthused, and Donghyuck chuckled.

"Yes we did."

"Thank you," Renjun chuckled as Chenle attached himself to Yukhei and began to babble.

"Need any help?" Donghyuck asked, bringing one of the cookie cakes.

"Nah, you can just relax."

"I'm so used to doing stuff now that it's hardwired in to me," Donghyuck laughed. "Should we make hot cocoa?"

"You can chill." Renjun dragged Donghyuck to the couch and sat him down, laughing as Donghyuck wouldn't let him go.

"I see it's a ruckus already," Jeno said dryly, stepping in and around everyone, taking off his shoes neatly. "Hello."

"Hey Jeno, where's Mark?" Yukhei asked, and everyone waited with baited breath, wondering if they were still together.

"He's coming in a bit, he just flew back." Jeno said softly, smiling. "And yes, we're still dating, you can stop holding your breath."

"Thank goodness!" Donghyuck proclaimed, coming over and hanging off his brother. Jeno rolled his eyes, holding out his offering for the night.

"Here's vegetables. You all are junk food kings, so I don't want to die of a sugar overdose tonight."

"Boring as always," Donghyuck joked.

"At least Jeno keeps us grounded," a new voice said, and they turned to see Jaemin standing in the doorway, Jisung smiling widely and waving. Jaemin was holding four cases of soda and a case of beer, making Jeno immediately begin to nag about proper conduct, and Jaemin just rolled his eyes, seeing Hyuck light up at the sight of alcohol.

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