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Jeno groaned as Renjun dragged him out of his bed, looking at him and Jaemin, who were grinning maniacally. "Really? It's early."

"It's two in the afternoon. You always hibernate after exams. But you do need to get up for our busking." Jaemin said. "We need to be there at five."

"I don't wanna move," Jeno whined as Renjun grabbed his arm and unsuccessfully tried to pull his friend out of bed. "I'm not gonna move."

Jaemin sighed and pretended to call one of his contacts. "Hey? Mark?"

"I'm up!" Jeno shouted, scrambling out of bed only to see Jaemin smirking at him. "You fopdoodle!"

"I have zero idea what that means but you look like a terribly angry teddy bear telling me that. But you do need to hurry, you have a hair and nail appointment in ten minutes with us."

"Fine," Jeno sulked, rolling out of bed in boxers.

"Does Mark know you sleep like this?" Renjun asked, throwing clothes at Jeno.

"It's not relevant to our relationship?" Jeno rolled his eyes as he put on the jeans and sweatshirt, sighing. "Now come on." He followed the other two boys to the hair and nail place, where they were ushered in and sat down.

"I'm Ji and this is Lix, we're your stylists today!" The boy said enthusiastically. "Anything in particular you want today Jeno?"

"My nails to look nicer? And my hair to be in an undercut. Oh, and an eyebrow slit!"

"Any colour you want your hair to be?"

"Something cool." Jeno yawned, and Ji and Lix nodded.

"You can sleep, you're in great hands," Lix said starting on Jeno's hair, and Jeno nodded, falling asleep.


Mark sighed, running a hand through his dark blue hair, so dark it was nearly black. They were opening with All Night, but three of them weren't here yet.

Specifically Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun.

"Where are they?" Taeyong asked nervously, and they got their answer less than a minute later when they showed up in their clothing for the night, and their boyfriends had to scrape their jaws off the ground.

Jaemin had dark silver hair and was wearing tight black leather pants with a white button down with the top three buttons undone and a harness on, his makeup impeccable and a lip ring.

Renjun had shockingly blue hair, fashionably messy and a shimmery gold and black mesh shirt tucked into a pair of white jeans with rips everywhere, two piercings in one ear and one in the other. His makeup was also perfect, and he winked at Chenle winningly.

"You're going to catch flies," Jeno whispered to Mark, who just nodded. Jeno's hair was burgundy, an undercut that complimented his makeup and new eyebrow slit perfectly. His clothing was teasing to say the least - tight pants and a blazer with nothing buttoned, giving the world a great view of Jeno's body. He also had on a choker and multiple rings, smiling at the shocked expression on Mark's face.

"Don't you have a shirt you could put on over this?"

"No," Jeno hummed, and Mark frowned. "Why?"

"I'm going to see thirsty comments about you all over the internet."

"Why would people want water when they see me?"

"I forget how disconnected you are sometimes."

"Well, it's time to go." Ten said, ushering them out to see people already waiting, some holding banners for certain members. Mark had grossly underestimated the amount of fans the boys already had, considering there was already a chant, modified to them as they began All Night. They'd managed to make it so they could sing and dance at the same time, thanks to Chenle.

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