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Mark watched as the bundle of joy named Jeno waddled over to the couch, holding two giant mugs of hot chocolate and flopped next to him, putting the mugs down before then. "Hi Markie!" Jeno giggled.

"Hi love," Mark said as Jeno snuggled into him further, pecking his forehead. They'd been dating for a month now, and it was absolutely perfect. Mark seriously couldn't remember the last time he was this happy, and Jeno was just happy to have a permanent cuddle buddy.

"Can we watch a horror movie? Please?"

"Sure," Mark said, and Jeno clapped happily.

"The Red Shoes!"

"Wait isn't that one grisly?"

"That's what makes it so good!" Jeno replied, pressing play on the player and Mark shuddered as the movie began.

It only took about ten minutes for Mark to be scared - and it wasn't even that scary yet. Jeno watched, fascinated, as the events unfolded until, about fifty minutes in, he realised Mark had his face buried in Jeno's sweatshirt of the day, one of Mark's he'd conveniently stolen.

"Mark?" Jeno asked, and Mark looked up at him, only to see Jeno looking at him with concern. "Let me pause it." Jeno paused the TV and looked at his boyfriend.

Mark looked up at him then pulled him onto his lap, kissing Jeno lightly. "You should distract me from how scary the movie is."

"But it's interesting!"

"I'll show you what a hickey is." That shut Jeno up and he nodded, Mark kissing his boyfriend again, this time deeper. Mark bit down on Jeno's bottom lip, making the smaller boy gasp and give Mark easy access to his mouth. Jeno gasping at the feeling and squirming.

Mark gently grabbed Jeno's waist and moved his hips down, Jeno covering his mouth as he let out an embarrassing moan. "You realise no one else but me will hear those noises right Jeno?"

"It's - oh," Jeno moaned softly as Mark ground his hips down again, making Jeno pull Mark into another passionate kiss.

Mark kissed down Jeno's jaw, slipping his hands under his sweatshirt and pulling Jeno closer. Gently, Mark nibbled down his neck, causing red marks to bloom before he pressed a kiss to a part that make Jeno's spine arch. Smirking, Mark bit down on Jeno's sweet spot as he gently rubbed Jeno's hardening nipples, making Jeno let out a loud moan.

"And baby, that's what a hickey is," Mark said softly, his hands dropping out of Jeno's shirt and kissing his boyfriend again. "The bruise I left on you."

"You did a lot more than a bruise my love," Jeno responded, frowning. "But I want to see how the movie ends, so we'll finish this later."

Mark let out a laugh as Jeno turned around and snuggled down, giggling as Mark peppered more little bites all over his neck, then gasping as he left more bruises on his neck and shoulders. "I'm trying to concentrate!" Jeno pouted.

"And I'm focusing on you," Mark hummed, kissing Jeno's cheek. "I want to show you off to the world."

"By bruising me?" Jeno asked.

"It's my way of kissing and telling love, showing the world I don't want to share."

"Why would anyone else want me?" Jeno asked, furrowing his brow and looking back at Mark. "I'm yours."

"And I'm yours." Mark pecked Jeno's cheek then turned back to the movie, "I'm going to need intensive Disney therapy after this."


"I don't believe this!" Renjun shouted, and everyone flinched. Renjun hardly ever raised his voice for anyone, and when he did, it was usually bad. Chenle had said he wanted to talk to renjun about something, and obviously it was not going well.

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