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Jisung waited patiently, stretching to loosen his limbs. Renjun, Donghyuck, Jaemin, and Jeno were all late, so it was just him and Mark in the practice room with Taeyong helping them learn a dance of their choosing - which was Red Velvet's Dumb Dumb.

"It's your fault! You obeyed the speed limit!"

"I'm not going to break the speed limit because you were late!"

"This is the last time you'll be both driving and controlling the aux," Jaemin said as he came in, a smile lighting up his face. "Jisung!" Jisung was promptly squished into a hug, and his cheeks puffed, Hyuck laughing at his face.

"Hi Jeno," Mark said softly, and Jeno nodded at him, taking off his sweatshirt and bundling it next to his bag.

"Hi Mark!"

"Alright! So I was informed that I should maybe let you choose your partners to create less drama - read Donghyuck banging pans in front of my window at four am - I will be letting you choose. But I will be assigning the song." Ten said, and Donghyuck cheered.

"I claim Renjun!" Hyuck enthused, grabbing the boy who nodded. Mark looked at Jeno, who simply raised an eyebrow.


"Would you like to, you know?"

"Would I like to," Jeno asked, looking confused.

"Be my partner?"

"Oh! Sure. Sounds cool." Jeno's ears were pink as he smiled at Mark, and Mark internally cooed at how cute he was. Jaemin noticed the dreamy look on Mark's face and sighed, knowing he was catching feelings for Jeno.

But until Mark proved he was really done with Yeonjung, Jaemin couldn't trust him with his best friend's heart.

"I guess that means we're together," a deep voice startled him out of his thoughts, and Jisung noticed the frown on Jaemin's face. "Are you upset about that? Sorry -"

"I'm exceedingly excited about it baby, don't worry," Jaemin hummed, noticing for the first time that Jisung was wearing the sweatshirt. A grin slowly replaced the frown and Jaemin cooed softly, pinching Jisung's cheek. "You're wearing the sweatshirt."

"I was c-cold," Jisung stammered out, not pulling away from Jaemin's touch as his cheeks flared to rival the sunset.

"Okay baby," Jaemin grinned, wanting to kiss his cheek but he knew it would be too much. He hadn't even asked the younger boy on a date, and he already wanted to shower him with love. "So, should we choose a song?"

"I will choose your song!" Ten crowed, and Taeyong nodded. "The JaeSung pair will be dancing to Whiplash! The RenHyuck pair will be dancing to 119! And MarkNo will be dancing to Baby Don't Stop!"

"MarkNo?" Jeno asked softly, and Mark nodded.

"It's a ship name, a name of two things combined."

"So Renjun and Chenle would be RenLe?"


"I think MarkNo is cute," Jeno said happily. Mark nodded, turning pink, and Ten clapped his hands.

"Okay! MarkNo, you'll be with me! JaeSung will be with Taeyong! And RenHyuck will be with our residential genius Jungwoo!"

"Really?" Donghyuck asked, smiling. "I love Woo!"

"He'll be here in a minute," Taeyong smiled as Ten led out Mark and Jeno to the other studio and beginning to play the music, Jeno bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet to the pop track playing.

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