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Jisung looked around the greenhouse, amazed at how the plants were growing everywhere. "This is my corner back here," Jaemin said, taking Jisung and bringing him back to the corner where it was panelled with glass.

"This is so neat," Jisung said softly, amazed. But his face flushed red as he saw Jaemin taking off his shirt, the fabric hitching up just enough to reveal his abs. "O-oh."

"It's really hot in there," Jaemin said, his tank top hanging loosely on his frame. "I'd not wear the hoodie."

"Okay," Jisung said softly, taking it off, only to flush darker under Jaemin's gaze. "What?"

"You're so perfect," Jaemin whispered, gently holding out his hand and softly putting his hand against Jisung's cheek, Jisung nuzzling in a little and smiling, his eyes closing.

Jaemin couldn't do it anymore.

He leaned in and gently pressed a kiss against Jisung's perfectly supple lips, the younger boy's eyes opening wide in shock as Jaemin pulled away, Jaemin turning red and turning away.

Then Jaemin ran, leaving Jisung in the middle of the greenhouse the colour of the roses. "Wait -" Jisung said softly, still dazed from the feeling of sparks running through his body. Then he smiled softly. "That was nice."


Renjun nibbled on the end of his pen, the small clicker already riddled with bite marks from before. The TV was playing the news mindlessly, some random gossip channel Jaemin loved, and Jeno was in the library again.

"Renjun!" Jaemin called, and Renjun hummed mindlessly from the study room; Jeno and Jaemin roomed together and he roomed by himself, them turning the third bedroom into a study room by the request of Jeno's puppy eyes freshman year. "Have you seen the news?"

"I'm not interested in gossip Jaemin."

"It's about Chenle!" Renjun frowned and stood up, walking into the living room to see the TV paused, Jaemin's flour-coated hands holding the remote. Jaemin baked a lot when he was stressed, and though he hadn't said it, Renjun knew he was. "Watch."

Jaemin pressed play, and a reporter started talking off-screen, instead showing pictures of Chenle, hood up and mask on as his bodyguards pushed back cameras and reporters.

"Worldwide pop sensation Zhong Chenle, mononymously known as Chenle, announces he will be taking a break from the music world to find himself and take care of those important to him."

"Fans are currently speculating if his alleged boyfriend is forcing his hand at this leave, or if the pressure has finally gotten to the star-studded performer. Chenle is also facing contract renewal at this time, so his fans, known as Dolphins, are worried that he won't be coming back to the spotlight. More to come on this story. Now, onto the song of the week."

"Did you know about this?" Jaemin asked, and Renjun shook his head, pulling out his phone. He went to his phone and hesitated, and Jaemin sighed. "You need to at least ask him."

Renjun nodded, pressing on the contact absolutely floundering in heart emojis, and held it to his ear.

It didn't even ring twice before Chenle picked up. "Hello love!"

Love. He didn't know what he'd done, otherwise he'd call him Renjun. Renjun swallowed around the lump in his throat and managed to respond in his mother tongue. "Hi Chenle."

"Full name? Did I do something?"

"Why did I have to learn from the television you're taking a break for your health?" Silence, cold and gnawing, sank over the line.

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