Eight: Finding

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"I said I was sorry," he reminded with a chuckle. I glared as the space in front of me and nursed my sore bruised wrists- they had been tied up in rope for a while.

"Yeah yeah I heard you the first three times," I replied, rolling away from him and into the sun comig through the window. Dick only followed, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Today's the day," he said quietly.

"I know," I replied. It seemed inevitable; I was going to have to return to the field- go back on missions. The League missing for those sixteen hours were leaving tonight along with Hal, Hawkman and Icon. 

Dick kissed my shoulder before getting out of bed and going into the bathroom. I sat up and shook my hair lazily. Having had a shower last night, I got dressed straight away.

Feeling lazy, I cooked breakfast with magic and sat down to watch the news. There were the usual reports- Robin, Viper and Batman taking down some vigilante in Gotham.

It had not occurred to me that Klarion has been absent until now.

Since my betrayal of him, I'd seen him three times; when Aquagirl was killed, when he caused chaos in central city and when he released Dark Faery on New York.

"Notice 'he' hasn't been around for a while?" I asked Dick when he walked in.

"Yeah...I did." As usual, his reply to anything about Witch Boy was stoney and emotionless. He sat beside me in his Nightwing get-up.

"Has...has someone else shown up in your reflection lately?" He asked, not looking at me. I leaned back and sighed, before telling him the few times it has happened since we spoke about it.

"Are you worried?"

"Of course. This could be...bad."

"Is there anyway you can find out about her?" 

Once again, we don't use the 'Midnight' word, just like the 'Klarion' word. The two became him and her in this household.

"There is the Witch World. Limbo Town library...but there are several chances I could run into him. And I know you don't like it when I go there," I trailed off, standing up to take my dishes to the kitchen.

"If it's something that will help you; then do it," he said quietly from the sofa. I sighed and leaned against the counter. I hadn't been to the Witch World in years.

I heard Dick walk up behind me. His arm went on either side of mine over the counter.

"Don't be gone to long," he said.

"Maximum of half an hour."

When I did get to the Witch World, Orion and I sprinted to the gigantic ancient library. The Librarian lead us to a section on ancient royals, one book in particular on entities.

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