Twenty Three: Discovery

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“Where’ve you been?” Viper asks when Nightwing and I get to the cave.

“Oh, you know, just here and there,” I say casually.

“Sure,” Swiftchick says, before the two walk to the Grotto.

“Where were you, really?” Conner asked, raising an eyebrow.


He just chuckles and leaves. “I’m going to put all of the bags in the jaguar and take them home. I’ll be back soon, alright?” I tell Nightwing, kissing him before Jaime and Bart enter.

“Left them in the dust!” Bart chuckles.

“Left who in the dust? And what is that?” Nightwing asks, walking over to them.

I leave for the hangar, put all of my bags in the jaguar and get home. I sing along with the radio on my drive, before my excitement gets the better of me and I scream.

When I woke up this morning in the hotel, Dick wasn’t there. Mere minutes after my waking up he came in through the front door. I pretended to be fast asleep.

He walked over to his suitcase, pulled out his jacket and put something in the pocket. When he went into the bathroom afterwards I stealthily checked what it was.

The ring.

I don’t know if twenty is too young to get married; but I know it’s not too young to be engaged. You could get engaged and be engaged for a long time.

As I drive along the road, I pass the Calisthenics Club when I see a window had been smashed. I slam on the brakes, park hastily and leap out of the car.

When I cross the street, I can hear what sounds like fighting inside. I climb through the broken window, seeing as the door was lock and had a bell.

There are three unconscious men on the floor. The hitting sounds are coming from the office. My uniform climbs over me as I run to the office door.

Peeking through the window, I see a girl- a vigilante girl -in a fight with Ra’s Al Ghul’s right hand man, Ubu. The girl wheres a hot pink and grey uniform.

I open the door. Oh Disney I should have kicked it.

When Ubu sees me, he disappears like magic. When I look out the door, the other men have disappeared too.

“Who are you?” I asked the girl. She looks somewhat familiar.

“I’m Alley Cat,” she says. I recognise the voice immediately. Alice. My Alley-cat.

“Well, uh. Good job. Why were they here?”

“They wanted information on one of the students here. She’s been missing, but you must have known that, right?”

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