Twenty Nine: Watcher

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I am faced with a girl about my age, who smiles brightly.

"Hi! I'm Kat!" She blurts out, before suddenly pulling me into a hug. "I live next door, to the left! Well, my left anyway!"

When she lets go I take a step back. She bends down and picks up a box, then opens it. "I brought you a cake!"

The word 'Welcome' had been scribbled along the top. "Oh! Wow!" I get out.

"O-Oh my gosh! I haven't even let you speak- go ahead! What's your name?"

"I'm Hana," I say.

'Kat' balances the cake on her knee and holds her hand out for me to shake. I do, then stand back to allow her in. We are neighbours after all.

"Uh, Dick?" I call down the hallway.

"Wow! You sure got set up fast huh?"

"Yeah, motivated I guess."

"And those sweet cars in the underground garage? They yours too?"

"The jaguar's? Yeah. Green ones mine, blue one's my boyfriend's."

Dick decides to make an appearance then. He walks down the hallway and I experience the oh so familiar 'hot-damn-is-that-man-a-human-or-a-god' look every girl gets when she lays eyes on him.

"Kat," she says, holding her hand out.

"Richard," he answers. They shake hands. Glad she didn't hug him too.

"Sorry to just barge in! Just excited is all."

"Oh?" I ask, offering her a seat on the sofa which she takes. "Why is that?"

"Well, the family who used to own this place moved to Gotham! They were really interesting- I was hoping you'd be as interesting as them!"

"We moved here from Happy Harbour," I say, sitting across from her.

"Where that explosion was? That is interesting!"

"Yeah, we left before the explosion," I lie.

"So did you two grow up in Happy Harbour?"

"No. I grew up in Star City. Richard grew up in Gotham."

"Oh! Where the family went!" Kat points out the obvious. She's very excited.

"Exactly, well, it's a nice place."

"Of course! With the Batman and all!" She decides to hiss like a cat as though she's a bat. Yeah, didn't work for her great. "I think the ex-owners sent their kids to Gotham Academy. Is that where you went to school, Richard?"

"Uh, yeah," Dick says, sitting beside me. "My younger siblings go there now."

I smile, loving it when he referred to Daphne and Tim as his 'siblings'.

"Well they must love it there!" Kat gushes.

"Well, Daphne's the oldest and she's about to finish up there. Tim's got about two years to go yet. But they are enjoying it."

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