Chapter 11

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Dahye POV

I was fighting sleep. It was two in the morning, but I refused to sleep. The next three days were non-stop training.

One thing that was true was if I didn't train more, I wouldn't be able to keep up with them. Then my efforts would be in vain.

I had mastered the five hundred times less the gravity of Earth pretty easily.

The goal of this was to master control and be able to move faster while flying.

I also had to keep training because if I stopped for a second I would lose muscle mass.

So I needed to keep going.

I formed a blast and let it run a course around the chamber.

My brows furrowed, and my hands tensed as I tried to maneuver the blast on a clear course to hit me.

Once I did that, I jumped to dodge the blast, and managed to not float in the air.

I rested against a wall, managing to not give in to the lack of gravity.

Tired breaths escaped my lips.

My fever was far from gone and doing this really hasn't helped it.

But I shook it off and kept going.

I stumbled around, barely standing straight.

"Keep going Dahye. The fate of the world rides on your shoulders," I groaned.

I remembered how my dream had switched before I could see the fate of that woman, but it was obvious what had happened. Thinking about it made me grimace at the thought of the happening to my home or anyone else's home.

I was about to continue, but my phone, which was in a compartment so that it wouldn't be affected by the gravity, had pinged.

I walked tiredly over to it and checked the message.

Twenty-nine missed calls from Dad
Two messages from Mini
Four messages from Hobi😂

Hobi😂: Dahye

Hobi😂: Listen to me

Hobi😂: I know you're training and all and that's great like thanks for saving our butts, but your dad is freaking out. You haven't answered a single call of his so he's resorted to asking my mom to ask me. Several times. Please just go home Dahye. He's worried sick about you. You need to rest once in a while. You carry too much burden and it's not fair

Hobi😂: There are people in this world who care about you and want to see you smile

I was tempted to respond, but I couldn't because I knew he'd guilt me into coming home.

I have the burden of dealing with this. It's my fight. And to release all of that weight off of me, I needed to bulk up first.

I was doing this for those I loved and for Earth. It will not come down to survival of the fittest.

Mini: Hey are you awake?

Mini: You probably aren't

I found myself replying to him even though I should have been focusing on training.

Me: I'm awake. What do you need?

Mini: I went to talk to your dad and your friend today. I don't know. Something just wanted me to know a little more about you

Mini: And they both said the same things, almost, but there were certain things they said that you would need to tell me on your own time

Mini: I don't know if you're ready but I want to be honest with you, because I remembered how you embarrassed my dad with the whole "honesty is our first policy" thing

Mini: When I came to your school, I wasn't just checking up on a business school

Mini: My dad had ordered me to find out a little more about you. Get dirt on you and stuff like that

Mini: At first I was just doing it because it was better than sitting through a meeting

Mini: But as I got to know you a little more, I felt horrible

Mini: You were very straight with me and didn't seem to have any skeletons in the closet

Mini: So to make it up to you I was wondering if once you recover we could go out and redo our outing?

I found myself smiling goofily.

Me: I'd love to

Mini: Really?

Mini: Yesss

Me: 😂😂😂never thought you'd write something like that

Mini: Me neither

Mini: But on one condition

Me: ????

Mini: Don't run off on me

Me: Lol I'll try

Mini: Good

Mini: Have a pleasant night

Mini: And feel better!

Me: Thanks Yoongi

I set my phone down, looking at the time.

"Break time is over Dahye. Back to work," I sighed, starting my rigorous training again, trying to ignore the pounding pain in every ounce of my body.

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