Chapter 69 pt 1

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I will be splitting up this chapter in two parts just because it would be too long, however the next part will be part 2 of chapter 69. Just cuz it would be wayyy too long.

The next morning, I was up at the crack of dawn after having difficulty sleeping the night before. Anxiousness, excitement, fear, sadness, relief, it all crashed on me at once. 

But I was ready. I had been waiting for fifteen years to finally end this. And here we were. Today, the universe would be rid of the evil soul that plagued its skies for so long. 

I hopped out of bed, looking at my room nostalgically. In the corner of my eyes I saw a stack of post-its. I grabbed them and got to work placing them on everything I owned.

Once I had cleared that up, I went into my living room, shocked to find my parents already there. My mother gave me a wary look, but my father was beaming proudly.

"Hey honey!" He exclaimed.

"What're you guys doing up so early?" I asked.

"We couldn't sleep a wink. I was bursting with thoughts all night, I kept your mom up all night!" My dad innocently exclaimed.

"He did, but I was up with my own thoughts too," my mom sighed.

I sat down with them, listening happily to my dad talk my ear off about how proud of me he was.

"You'll do great things Dahye! I know this is just the start of your many adventures!" My dad beamed.

My face fell, and my mom's composure faltered as well. 

"Honey, why don't you make the kids some breakfast. Doyum will be up soon and I'm sure Yoongi will arrive shortly as well," my mom said.

My dad went off to go make breakfast, leaving my mom and I to silently stare at each other. Unsure of what to truly say to one another.

She placed a tentative hand on my cheek and I leaned into her touch.

Doyum came barreling into the room, worried he'd missed the fight. He crashed into my mom's arms, his big goofy smile lighting up the room as he raved about how excited he was.

"I'm gonna go get ready, but I'll be right back," I said.

I showered, enjoying the warmth of the water on my back. Once I finished showering, I changed into my fighting clothes, surveying myself in the mirror. I nodded in approval heading back to my family. However, in the time that I was getting ready, Yoongi and Hoseok showed up.

"Hobi!" I called, running to him.

"Your boyfriend is hurt!" Yoongi said sarcastically.

"Oh please, we all know the minute she lets go of me she's going to cling to you like a koala," Hoseok scoffed.

I rolled my eyes, while Yoongi coughed nervously. 

I released Hoseok, doing exactly as he said and clung onto Yoongi.

"You ready to kick some butt?" Yoongi purred.


"I'm ready to kick butt too!" Doyum announced.

"Oh no doubt kiddo. I bet you're gonna kick more butt than your sister," Yoongi joked.

"Woah bro, not possible. But I'll definitely kick more butt than you," Doyum stuck his tongue out, jumping onto me.

 "Us Han's are gonna give you a run for your money Min," I teased.

We all sat down and had breakfast together, reminiscing about the years and the recent adventure we've all had. 

"I just want to say one more thing before we go," I said, glancing at the ticking clock. "These past few years haven't been a walk of cake. Between balancing school, fighting, training, a job, and all the other elements of life, I've had my work cut out for me. But I'm glad I had such a great support system the whole way. And today, all of our efforts will pay off. I promise."

I got up, taking a shaky step towards the door. All of my loved ones lined up to watch the three of us go. The first person in the line was Hoseok.

I could feel warm tears well up in my eyes as I looked at my best friend.

"I'm glad I've got to stand by your side through all the craziness of your life. And when this is all over, I'm gonna show you the world and what it's like to enjoy life," he said, wrapping me in a tight hug. My arms flew around his body as I buried my face into his chest.

"I love you Hobi," I said.

Goodbye, my best friend.

Next was my mother. She was full on crying, not wasting a second to squeeze me tightly.

"I'm glad I got to know you this past year my love. You're everything I wish I could be. But then again, only someone with a heart as gold as yours could ever do this," she cried. She lowered her voice so no one could hear, "I'll see you soon okay."

I frowned at her, whispering, "No mom. I don't want to see you. Live out your life. Take care of Doyum. And be there for dad. I love you."

Goodbye, mom.

The last person was the man who had been there for me since birth. Who watched me grow. And struggle. And succeed. The man who put his trust in me to fight like a warrior.

"Daddy," my voice cracked.

My dad wrapped his arms around me, crushing me with his bear hug.

"I couldn't have asked for a better daughter honey. Now you know I'm not the best a speeches, but I will say this. No more tears. Now you go and fight, and make sure that monster is the one in tears," my dad said.

I nodded, wiping away my tears. "I love you a lot dad."

"I love you too pumpkin," he smiled.

Goodbye, dad.

I turned to Yoongi and Doyum, taking each of their hands in mine, "Let's go boys."

We left the house without another word, while I tried to keep my emotions in check for the cameras.

"We will only allow one cameraman to record footage of the fight so as to soothe the public. So link up with your fellow news stations to use their footage, although I'm sure every TV channel all over the world will be using this footage."

Yoongi picked up a random cameraman and looked at me for the next direction. Just then a multitude of power levels came into focus. I looked at the boys giving them a nod, and with that we flew off to where Min and his troops were, carrying the cameraman and his equipment with us.

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