Chapter Thirty-Eight: New Beginning

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Hyperion Heights, Seattle...

Ivy: As the wave of fraternal magic true love's pulse invaded the savior's wrinkled lungs, she widened her eyes, only to meet a wonderful new reality which met the delight of magic most recently.

"Was that...?" The blonde mumbled under her unsteady breath. 

"Yes, it would appear the curse is broken, miss Swan." Gold stated, sure of what just happened.

"Victoria..." Emma whispered, knowing far too well what that meant for the Evil Step-mother. 

"She's dead." The dark one confirmed the blonde's line of thought.

After a few minutes piecing everything together, a phone call shed light on the mysterious events leading to the curse's breaking.

"Henry?" Emma called her son, on the other side of the phone line. 

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Yes, is Victoria dead? The curse was broken." 

"Yeah, it's a long story, but short version, everyone is okay, here. Victoria sacrificed herself and in doing so broke the curse and woke up Lucy."

"That's great, kid, what about Anastasia, is she still alive?"

"Yeah, she is, Lucy's belief brought her back to life, not Victoria's magic, so the resurrection spell wasn't undone like all others. Don't worry, though, Ana is on our side."

"That's great, kid, I'll be on my way."

"Is Gold with you?" Henry asked, holding a shaky breath which held to the antsy fear of having his grandpa as an enemy.

Emma's eyes wondered the crocodile's, not sure of what she should say to her son.

"Just tell the lad I'm sorry, and that I'll make up for everything I put him through. Even though I did it for Belle, I should never go against my own blood."

"Mom?" Henry asked as Emma tried to catch up with the dark one's words.

"Yeah...Uh, your grandpa is on our side. Henry, Clara was never in danger, he went after her because she will be the guardian, the only one able to reunite him with Belle on the other side. Gold tricked Victoria into losing Ana's body so your girl's heart wouldn't be sacrificed, things just got out of control..."

"Yeah, forgive me if I don't believe that man that easily after all the double-crosses." Henry ironically stated and Gold heard the confession, leaving him to a heartbreaking moment.

"Trust me, kid, no one would blame you for that."

"I'm happy to know you're okay, though...Come back to the hospital as soon as you can, we need to regroup and meet the rest of our family. Love you, mom." Henry said goodbye, as Emma retributed that mother-son love with a departure sentence.

"I love you too, kid. See ya, in a sec."

"So...the boy still doesn't believe me."

Emma was not in the mood for feeling sorry for the redeemed dark one, so she just rolled her eyes to the crocodile's "tears" and focused on a more important matter. Finding her family!

Last months, the savior spent wonderful moments with her ex-husband and daughter, yet, being with them and not really being was as painful as physical separation. She couldn't wait to hug Hope properly and spend quality time with the daughter she loved so much, and would never abandon if it weren't for the curse's strength.

The two left the building, and as Emma's mouth corners rose, thinking about how wonderful it would be to not only meet Hope and Killian but her parents and all of Storybrooke's friends and family, anticipation took over the moment in the most delightful of ways. The savior looked to her front and her emerald eyes met the dashing blue-eyed ones of the one-handed pirate.

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