"Happy endings aren't always what we think they will be, but that's exactly what makes them special."
A book filled with hope and fairytales, Once Upon a Time, fell on Ivy Belfrey's lap, giving her hope that both heroes and villains can have a happ...
Oh, guys, this show and this site changed my life in gigantic proportions.
It's been a long ride of more than a year writing about Once Upon a Time, a tv show that helped me grow more than I can tell in a few words.
When I started watching it, I was an 11-year-old kid who knew nothing about Hope or Magic, I grew up inspired by the lessons Once gave me, they go far beyond the traditional wish of finding a happy life and the love of your life. They taught me that we are the magic of this world, the people we love, all around us. It's in our family, our friends, everyone we care for.
This show made me cry it made me laugh but most of all it taught me how I can be a better person.
I learned that anyone can be happy. That we have many shades and antagonistic parts of ourselves and our goal must be finding peace for them all and not keep fighting against ourselves.
This last lesson was very important to me, I suffer from depression and anxiety since I was 8 years old, the need of hope to struggle against this got me to Once and finding wonderful complex characters like The Evil Queen and Rumpelstiltskin who are villains and can find their happy endings and be accepted no matter their flaws, the same going for Snow White, the Prince, and all heroes who are smilingly flawless, was a very important message that helped me grow and accept myself.
I'll say farewell to Once Upon a Time but this show will always stay with me and there won't be a day that goes by without me re-watching an episode, watching a small clip or old trailer because I simply adore this universe Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis brought to me.
I can't forget to thank every single person who spent a little bit of their time reading my stories, commenting, voting, spreading all of your love, it really boosted my self-esteem, especially because I started writing about this hopeful show in the middle of a very rough time of my life.
I'm so thankful that not only Once's characters could get me out of that dark hole I was in, but that you guys did just the same. I'm forever thankful for it because you helped me a lot with all the positive feedback. It shows how powerful this show is, connecting people all around the world and helping each other, bringing magic.
I'll miss writing about these characters so much, there are so many things I wish I could do with them, especially Regina who is my favorite, though I know I need to look forward and challenge myself as a writer, trying new universes and characters, especially since this show is over for so long and people will most likely appreciate new things and so should I.
I won't be uploading more Once stories and as for other projects, I won't be writing in English for a while :( I need to focus on writing in my own language.
I created a second account where I'll upload works in Portuguese. For those who are interested, my new account is:
Still, I don't dismiss the possibility of re-writing fairytales and shape them in a whole different way, in a new universe where, who knows, some OUAT characters can make cameos or characters like Hope Swan Jones and Neal Nolan that were never explored can have a chance to have their own stories told.
Love you guys and thank you for all the support.
I hope to see ya again and make your lives a "tiny" bit better with my writing.
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