Jealousy's child

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He ran away. Again.

Lovino Vargas never really liked his home. His adoptive parents, Erzsébet and Roderich, liked his brother more. Feliciano was a natural artist. All Lovino could do was get into trouble. He was the definition of clumsy.

His embarrassment and anger forced him to run to his friends house. Antonio, though a year older, treated Lovino as an equal. His house was one of the few places that he could be himself.

"Oh, Lovi! Welcome back!" Antonio said when Lovino walked in.

"Is he back?" Laura shouted from the kitchen.

"I'm hungry! Do you have any food made yet 'cause my stomach is growling!" Lovino said.

"Yes, of course! And welcome back." Laura walked out of the kitchen, took off her apron, and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thanks Laura." Lovino hugged her back.

"I found a book you might like." Laura pulled out a green covered book. "It's another one of your grandfathers. One that he didn't sell."

Lovino couldn't help but grin. While he didn't inherit his grandfathers artistic talent, he had loved his books and wanted to write something himself one day. Laura and Antonio were always finding his grandfathers old works just lying around. He ended up having an entire bookshelf dedicated to them.

"Did you hear?" Urban walked in. "Gilbert's back in the hospital."

"Great... what did he catch this time?" Laura said, taking out ingredients.

"I dunno. A cold? Wish his immune system would work. Then he could come back to school," Urban whined.

Gilbert was one of the best learners and tutors at school. The sad part was that he was in the hospital all the time. He was allergic to what seemed to be just about everything, was prone to accidents, and got sick easily. Everyone pitied him to no end.

Lovino didn't just pity him, though. It was obvious enough for Laura and Urban to tease him about. At the mention of Gilbert, his face went red. That's right. Though he refused to admit it, Lovino Vargas had an obvious crush on Gilbert Beilschmidt.

"You okay, Lovi? You're all red," Antonio asked.

"Shut up!" Lovino yelled. Antonio, the most oblivious person in the room, also asked the worst questions.

"Right. Maybe you should go see him, Lovi," Laura said.

"Fine! It's better than hanging out with you three." Lovino stormed out of the house, making sure to slam the door.

Gilbert was a man of many words. Some he made up for emphasis. Some he claimed he made up because they're too big and too weird for people to actually look up. He spent most of his time on Pinterest, picking out facts and concepts for his more motivated friends. He heard a knock on the door. Lovino stepped in, holding a deli sandwich.

"This was the cheapest I could get," he said before throwing the container onto the bed.

"You're awfully nice today." Gilbert began to eat the sandwich. "So, are you ready for the first day of high school?"

"That's a month away, Gil," Lovino whined, throwing himself on the end of the bed. "Aren't you sick? You should be worrying about yourself."

"Since when did you start talking like my mom?" Gilbert said with a smirk. Lovino felt his face get warm and looked away.

"Since you started to get worse. It's not even cold and flu season and you're already locked in a hospital room," Lovino said.

"Well, at least I know someone cares." Gilbert grabbed Lovino's hand. "Thanks."

Lovino was beat red by this point. "I wouldn't have to if you just got better."

"But isn't that the fun part. You only ever come to visit me when I'm in a hospital bed. I might as well come here more often," Gilbert chuckled.

"Maybe if you're family was less scary." Lovino closed his eyes. He noticed that Gilbert was playing with his hand. The man was probably just bored. "Hey, Gil?"

"Yeah, Lovi?"

"Promise me you'll get better. Promise me you'll come to school."

"Alright. I promise."

"Thanks." Lovino looked up at Gilbert. But he was busy staring out the window.

"No problem."

Lovino was very much a jealous type. As he walked through the dimly lit hallways, he thought of how he would one day confess. Maybe not today. But one day, he promised himself, he'd find someone who would make others jealous for him. And he believed he found the one.


-Lovino Vargas is Romano
- Erzsébet And Roderich Are Hungary and Austria
- Feliciano is Italy
- in the anime Austria seems to favor Italy over Romano
- Antonio is Spain
- Laura is Belgium
- Romano giving thanks to Belgium is a reference to him being nicer to women
- yes, his grandfather is dead
- Urban is Luxembourg (I used a name generator)
- Gilbert is Prussia
- Gilbert has a weak body, making it hard for him to even stand up to a cold. His body doesn't react normally to things like viruses. I thought it would fit with the whole historically dead thing.
- Prussia loves reading
- Romano's a little nicer to him
- Prussia's family is very busy (and rich), so only his brother ever really visits
- they share a love of books mostly
- Spain lives with Belgium and her brothers in one of Rome's old houses
- don't really have much else to say except thanks for reading this far!

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