Rainy days

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They whispered as she walked through the halls. Cupping hands in front of faces in an attempt to hide their lips, nervous glares following her. Boys looked disgusted, girls horrified as they pulled down on the edges of their uniforms. She ignored it all. Her short black hair combed neat, her uniform as clean as any other, and yet she was different. But in what way? She looked just like everyone else.

"Hey, is it true?" A girl with the same hair and uniform turned in her seat. "That you like girls, Mei?"

Mei was shocked. She knew something was up, but this? She only ever told one person, but they wouldn't say a thing, right?

"Miss Wang, report to the counselors office," a teacher said.

She slowly nodded and got up. The halls were almost empty, now that class was about to begin. The once normal door was now a death trap for her heart. She opened it, and a head looked up.

"Sit, Miss Wang," the counselor said, motioning toward a chair.

She sat.

"It has come to my attention that you have been feeling...... things lately," he started, a worried look in his eyes. "We can take you to counseling. It would be the best option for you."

"Excuse me, but where did you hear this?" She said timidly.

"From your brother. He had you in mind, of course," he smiled at her, wrinkles forming around his old and worn eyes.


"Dammit, Yao!" Mei slammed the door.

"Welcome home," her brother said as he cooked dinner. He didn't even flinch.

"You did this!" She screamed, pointing at her face. Red marks on her wrists, bruised everywhere.

"I didn't do anything," he sighed.

"Who else would have said something." She stomped towards him. If looks could kill, Yao would have been dead ten times over.

"It's dangerous!" He shouted, finally turning toward her.

"It's love!" She shoved him. He shoved back. They hadn't fought like this since they're parents were alive. They pulled hair and punched faces. Wrestling while Mei sobbed.

"Mei, Yao?" Leon stood in the hall, watching them fight. Yao stopped, shoving Mei away. He went to hold Leon, but he ran to his sister. "Mei, are you okay?" He cried.

"I-I'm fine," she said, wiping away the last of her tears.

Leon grabbed them, pulling them into a hug. "No more fighting," he said. And in that household, Leon's word was law.


Rain poured down, students running into their classrooms with binders and backpacks over their heads. Natalia watched the clock, tapping her fingers on the cool table. Her biology teacher walked in, a cheesy grin plastered on her face. "We have a new student today. She's all the way from China!"

"It's, it's Taiwan." The new student raised her hand.

"Right, right. Sorry miss Xiao." She grabbed a stack of papers. "Anyways, start with this handout and use the notes from last class. Mei, go ahead and share notes with your neighbor."

"Yes ma'am," the class said.

"So, What's you're name?" Mei said, flashing a shy smile towards her neighbor.

"Natalia." The girl silently passed her some notes. Her pale blonde hair fell across her face, dark blue eyes holding a piercing glare. Mei felt her face grow hot.

"Thank you," Mei said, taking the papers.

"Mmn," was her reply.

Mei smiled awkwardly. This was going to be quite a year.



- ah, yes. Middle school drama
- Mei is Taiwan
- I wanted to introduce her earlier but it didn't feel right. Expect this group of friends to grow.
- I know some private schools have pretty strict dress codes. I've never actually been to one though
- I've also never been in trouble with counselors or anything, though there was this one rumor about someone making out at the back of one of my classes. I was interrogated despite being in the front of the room actually doingmy work
- things. Something I was told by my family after they assumed I didn't know what lesbians are and had to explain it to me after watching a show
- Yao is China
- Leon is Hong Kong
- I love China's character but politically I'm iffy. He will get better don't worry
- Leon's a year younger than Mei
- a potential ship? Maybe...

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