Birthday kisses

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Kiku walked off the bus. The day had barely started and everyone already started giving him gifts and wishing him well. Turning 15 wasn't that big of a deal, yet everyone wanted to make it that way. Most of the gifts were from Alfred. The blond walked with his arm around Kiku, going on about things they could do later.

"There's this wicked cool pizza place we could go to. This guy from the baseball team works there. He says it's a big hit!" Alfred offered.

"Pizza does sound appetizing," Kiku agreed.

"Hey, losers!" Natalia walked up to them, holding a leather jacket over her shoulder. "You got plans tonight?"

"Oh, well-"

"We're going on a date," Kiku said, grabbing Alfred's hand.

"What?!" Both Alfred and Natalia squeaked out.

"We're going on a date," Kiku repeated a little slower.

They freaked out. Alfred stood there, muttered 'oh my god' repeatedly. Natalia hugged Kiku, practically shrieking in excitement because finally. A girl with curly redish hair walked by, Natalia immediately turning to her and shouting, "pay up, Thyma!" The girl grumbled and pulled out a twenty.

"You were betting on this?!" Alfred shouted.

"Hey, you guys aren't the only power couple in the school," Natalia said, fanning herself with the money.

"People think we're a powers couple?" Kiku asked, tilting his head.

"Well, duh. You and the two idiots from GSA." She rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I gotta go buy myself something pretty. You two lovebirds have fun!"

They watched her walk down the hall for a moment before heading to their own class. "So, this is a date?" Alfred couldn't keep the excitement off of his face.

"Only if you want it to be. If you don't want to that's fine." Kiku started to let go of his hand.

"No, no!" Alfred squeezed his hand tighter. "I just want to be sure."

"Good." They stopped at Kiku's next class. Kiku gave him a quick peck on the cheek before shoving him into hallway traffic. "See you later."

Alfred grinned, walking to class with an extra skip in his step.


"Oh my God. What am I gonna wear?" Alfred practically shouted, digging through his clothes.

"Plain white shirt, you're nicer pair of blue jeans, granny's old jacket," Emil said.

"You think that's appropriate?" Alfred asked, holding up the jacket. Despite its old age, it was the nicest thing he owned. His grandfather gave it to his grandmother, who then later passed it on to him. The 50 on the back referenced the year it was made in.

"That's, like, the nicest thing you own. I'd wear it if I could," Emil reassured. He grabbed a piece of candy and popped it into his mouth.

"Alright." Alfred took his shirt off. "I gotta get ready quickly. Who knows how early he'll arrive!"

Knock knock knock!

"I got it," Matthew shouted from downstairs. The door creaked open and Alfred could barely make out Kiku's soft voice.

Alfred quickly pulled on the jeans and shirt, throwing his jacket over the shoulder. "How do I look?"

"Like you belong in an 80's teen romance," Emil said.

"Haha, funny," Alfred shot back sarcastically. "See you."

"See you. Good luck." Emil gave him a pat on the back before he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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