The first day of school pt 2

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"Dude, we got like, three classes together. Swim, ELA, and art," Alfred said to Kiku. They were going over each other's schedules.

"What's ELA stand for?" Kiku said.

"English Language Arts."

"Okay. Well, we better head to class." Kiku started walking.

"Uh, Keeks. Wrong way."Alfred grabbed his hand.


"Ugh, I hate public school," Natalia whined. After being told not to wear her hood up inside the building, she officially began to plan a quick escape back to Europe. If only she didn't have her parents tracking her every move. Then it just might work.

"Just relax. At least we haven't run into any wannabe popular girls," Eduard said.

"Did I ask for your opinion?! And why are you still with me?" She poked his chest accusingly.

"Our classes are in the same hall." Eduard brushed off his shirt, as though the poke was contagious.

"See ya," Natalia said before diving into the sea off sweaty teens. Eduard just sighed and continued down the hall.


Lovino ran through the hallway. He wanted to put as much distance between him and the cheerleaders as possible. Fun fact: every 'popular girl' somehow thought they deserved him, despite his clear message of 'I'm gay and even if I wasn't I still wouldn't date you.' Some people never learn. He pushed through people, dodged gossip circles, and ducked under the arms of seniors.

He was almost to class when it happened. He tripped over his shoelaces and ran right into a skinny blond kid with round glasses and curly hair. Both went crashing down into the ocean of lost students.

"Ow," the blond said while adjusting his glasses. "Sorry, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Lovino snapped. He got up and continued running all the way to class.


The bell just rang as four out of breath students threw themselves at the table in the far corner of the room, right by the windows. This table would soon be iconic to the school as the most havoc-causing home to some chaotic students. Lovino sat with his arms folded, barely acknowledging Alfred, who he remembered from elementary school. Alfred was busy trying to convince Kiku, his (self declared) new friend that Keeks was most definitely an appropriate nickname. Kiku was trying to avoid eye contact with Alfred, instead trying to make small talk with the only girl, Natalia. Natalia just kept glaring at him and Alfred.

"Alright class," said their teacher. "Today you will get your first assignment. But first! Rules." She proceeded to go over a list of rules and safety precautions before handing out papers for their parents to sign.

"Hey, Keeks, what do you think of this?" Alfred showed Kiku a picture of a dog.

"Alfred I-"

"Jones! Put your phone away!"

"Yes ma'am." Alfred tucked his phone away.

"God, this class is too loud," Natalia muttered, rubbing her forehead.

"So, do you guys read zodiac signs? I'm a Cancer, ya know!" Alfred put his arm around an extremely uncomfortable Kiku.

"Alfred," Lovino gave Alfred a warning.

"Oh, sorry!" Alfred pulled his arm away.

"Alfred! You and your table need to quiet down!"

"Sorry, ma'am."

Alfred And Lovino gave each other a nervous glance and chuckled. The rest of class was spent getting materials and drawing out ideas. Kiku drew realistic sketches of people. Natalia doodled roses. Lovino was trying his best to draw a person. Alfred focused on drawing the window he was facing.

The morning sunlight broke through the glass, surrounding Kiku in a golden ray. Before he knew it, Alfred was drawing him too. Lovino looked over his shoulder, smirking.

"You drawing your boyfriend or something?" Lovino whispered.

"What!? I only met him today!" Alfred yelled, red color spreading across his face.

"Hm?" Kiku looked up from his sketchbook, confused.

"Nothing," Alfred and Lovino said in alarm. Natalia, who heard all of it, snorted.

"And just what are you laughing at." The teachers shadow appeared over her.

"Nothing," the entire table nervously said.

"Thought so."


- and so begins Alfred's crush on the new guy
- Natalia is beginning to reflect the bitterness inside me and I'm not sure if I want to stop it
- other Baltic's will be introduced soon. Don't worry
- I should change the summary to something about the sea of sweaty teens cause that seems to be the closest thing to the ocean so far
- oh hey look, another potential ship
- this art teacher may or may not be based off of an art teacher I had
- don't have much more to say
- sorry for the short chapter
- thank you for reading! We'll be heading more toward Halloween centered chapters after this

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