006 : Bully

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"Ve? Are you still out there?" Will asked

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"Ve? Are you still out there?" Will asked.

"Never left."

A click made Five get up from the floor. The door opened slowly to reveal a teary eyed Will.

"You can come in." Will said, staring at the floor.

Five walked into the room and sat on Will's bed. Will followed Five and sat next to him, still not looking at him.

Five placed his hand on top of Will's hand.

"What's wrong?"

Will sighed, "It's just. Well."

"You can trust me."

"It's just these two stupid boys who keep bullying me."

"Bullying?" Five asked.

"Yeah. Like make fun of you, tease you. Umm like someone hurts you either by words or actions."

"Oh. Who are these two boys?"

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