011 : Liar

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After Five's visit, Will has not been able to stop smiling

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After Five's visit, Will has not been able to stop smiling. He was very excited for when Five would visit again. Although Five was spending a lot of time with Eleven, he was still very excited. This time he wanted the rest of the party there. Of course, Mike wanted Eleven there too.

So here they all sat, just talking while playing D&D. Five was happy. He was glad to have friends that he could trust. Only he couldn't tell them the one thing he kept a secret. He only told one person. They knew what he was going through.

As much fun Five was having, it had to come to end. It was getting late, and Hopper wanted them home at a certain time because of safety reasons.

So when Hopper arrived, Five and Eleven got ready to say their goodbyes. Hopper headed towards Joyce for a quick chat before they leave.

Five embraced Will in a hug. Five would have held onto Will longer, if Dustin didn't say something that caught his attention.

"Do you hear that?" Dustin asked, glancing at the door.

"Hear what?" Lucas tilted his head.

Dustin got off the floor and opened the curtains to look at the sky. Lucas and Will followed behind.

"Is that?" Dustin wondered as he squinted to see.

"Is that what?" Lucas asked, pushing Dustin out of the way.

Dustin gasped, "There's helicopters in the sky!"

Will's mouth fell open. "What?!"

"Why are they surrounding Will's house, though?" Dustin asked himself as Will stared out the window.

Eleven's voice broke, "I'm sorry, Jake."

Everyone looked at Eleven and Five.

"Why?" Five asked as his brows drew together.

"I- I told them." She covered her face with her hands.

"Who?" Mike asked, uncovering her face and holding her hands.

"The bad men." Eleven whispered.

"What?! Why?" Will demanded, grabbing onto her arm.

"Don't touch her," Mike forced Will to let go of Eleven's arm.

Eleven shook her head. "They told me they were going to kill. They- They forced me."

"That's bull. How could they have forced you, if you've haven't even seen them?" Will glared at Eleven. "You told them about Five, didn't you?"

Eleven only nodded her head. Joyce and Hopper entered the room, just hearing the argument.

"What's the matter?" Hopper crossed his arms, looking at everyone.

Mike was about to speak when Five suddenly scowled, "I trusted you, Eleven. I told you and only you about the collar. You said you wouldn't tell, but you lied to me. Now, they're going to hurt us all." Five quickly looked at the door and then back at Will.

Five mentally sighed. He did not want this to happen. Especially around the people he cared the most about.

He had to make a decision. Quick. He glanced at the door again and ran as fast as he could out the door. If no one knew where he went, then they could be safe.


"Five! Where are you going?!" Will shouted.

Hopper gave Will a look as to say you're not going after him. Will shook his head and darted out the door following Five into the woods.


The leaves crunching under Five's feet and the wind blowing through his hair made him feel alive. Free.

Thoughts ran through his mind. He really hoped that no one followed him. Especially Will.

The adrenaline pumped through his body until he reached an opening in the forest. Tears blurred his vision as it started to rain.

"Why?" Five asked himself.

His knees collapsed onto the wet grass, and he hit the ground in anger. The collar seemed to burn his skin. He grabbed the collar and tried to tear it off of his neck.

"Ve!" Will's voice came through the pounding rain.

Five glanced behind him, hoping to see Will running towards him. Only to see Will being held by a guy. A guy with a uniform he's seen before.

"Let go of me!" Will shoved the guy backwards, moving him only a bit.

"Five," another voice yelled through the rain.

Five moved his eyes to the tall figure across the opening of the woods. There, next to the figure, stood many people holding weapons. A bang from the thunder rang in Five's ears.

"Nice to see you again."

A/n: Hello everyone! I tried something new at the top and was wondering if you guys like it? Kind of a short chapter but I hope you guys liked it!

Have an amazing day/evening/night!💜

Have an amazing day/evening/night!💜

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