chp 8: mom? dad?

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Authors note:
The profile picture is karan brar (you should know who he is)  just wanted to clear that this is that karan I'm talking about. 😁
We hugged for a long time.

"I love both of you guys so much" I said

"If it wasn't for karans genius plan we wouldnt  be right here roses, clothes, girlfriend. It was all him. " I also said.

"Karan you are very nice. " Diana said.

"Thanks, I try! " Karan said

I looked down at my phone to check the time, 8:46.

"Guys let's go to the park, it gonna be a starry night. " I said grabbing both of their hand pulling them to the steps.  We stop near the steps looking at the roses. I look at Diana, she looks at me. Karan steps out of being in the middle. Me and Diana hug each other very tightly. I make way for Diana and Karan down the steps, I didn't want to make him a third wheel. We walk to the park. Me and Diana, holding hands. I can't believe I asked her, wooooooooooow.
We arrive at the park and I run to the jungle gym, it's my favorite. I look down and see karan and Diana on the swings. Diana is standing on the swing trying to swing herself, I hope she doesn't fall. And karan on his belly spinning, they are a bunch of kids.

Meanwhile I am standing on the jungle gym screaming.


I see karan and Diana cracking up.
Karan gets of the swing, stumbling because of his dizzyness. He walks over to the jungle gym where I'm standing, he climbs up and causes a lot of problems with me.

"Ay matey nobodys the king of the world around these PARKS besides me! " Karan says in a pirate voice.

"Mate you can take my booty but I will always be king" I said doing the same pirate voice.

"It looks like there's going to be a mighty problem" Karan said pulling out his fake sword.

"Maybe we can solve it"

Karan takes a swing at me but I ducked. He takes another swing causing me to "fall" Through the jungle gym hole. I'm holding on with one hand.

"How does it feel walking the plank"  Karan said taping his foot on my hand making me "fall".

" OH NO! I can't swim blblubblubblub" I said fake drowning.

"WOOO!" Diana said applauding like it's a movie.

Time skip
Me and Diana are watching poetic justice in my room. I pop up some popcorn. Just like when we were younger, we watched this movie so much, we could remake this movie without a script. But she always finds a way to cry on the dead cousin part.

"Are you really cryicrying over this movie" I said

"N-no" She said turning her face and fake playing with fingers.

We both laughed.



"I wanna see my mom and dad" She said putting her back on the pillow.

"Well how would we find them" I said.

"Bye the internet, duhh"
Dianas pov

I pull out my phone and start to search. First I check Instagram, I type in my mom's name Veronica green, no profile, then I looked up Eugene green, no profile.

"You should go to facebook" Cam said

"But I don't have facebook. "

"I do I got it like a year ago, it's so boring. " Cam said

"Well, gemme the phone. "

It turns out they both have face book. Me and Cameron go through all of the pictures. I recognize one photo.

"Hey! Do you know where that is!? " I said.

"No all I see is a house. "

"Yeah, a house that's a few streets down! I know where that is. CAN WE GO NOW?!?!" I said

"Now?  It's late. " Cam said.

"Yes, pleeeeeeeeeese. "

I said getting on top of him and hitting him with a pillow.
(That's an inside joke me and my cousin have, off topic, enjoy the story!)

"Fine, FINE, but we are gonna to have to sneak out. My parents would not like that we are out this late. "  Cam said as he rolled me off of him and hitting me with a pillow.

"Thanks!! " I said kissing him on the cheek.

Me and Cameron tip toe down the steps. Suddenly the kitchen light comes on. I turn around scared as ever.

"What? I'm hungry! " Cam said stuffing a granola bar down his throat. And it's not one of those chocolate chip granola bars, it's the off brand healthy stuff. That guy is a health nut.

I signal Cameron to come on. We make it out of the door and start walking.

"Let me see your phone. " I said


"You see where they are, they're in front of Britney's house. The girls party we went to." I said pointing at the picture.

"Ohh how could you know that? "

"I memorized the street. " Cameron just looked at me like I was crazy. "I have different scenarios play in my head. " I said to lower his confusion.

"Your still crazy." Cam said lightly punching me shoulder.

"Look where crazy got me" I said punching his back.

I'm not gonna lie I'm extremely scared, it's dark and I hate it!
I grab cams hand I could get used to grabbing his hand and kissing him without it being weird.

We arrive at the house it took 30 minutes to walk here. I look at my phone it's now 10:34 pm.
I look at Cameron he looks at me.

"Well arnt you gonna knock, because it would be weird if we would just stand here and look at the door. " Cam said smirking.

I shook my head no and start to walk away, cam pulls me back and knocks on the door.

"You she dog! " I whisper scream.

"I'm coming"

I heard someone yell from inside.

"What bri- oh" My mom said covering her mouth.

I can't believe it! It's my mom!

"Well come in! " She said gestering us to come in.

"H-hi" I said stuttering on my words

Authors note.
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Do you think Diana should trust her mom and dad?

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