chp14: Dianas a cheater? p2

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"Dianas probably getting massive hate right now dude." I said to karan.


"Because everyone thinks she cheated one me." I said shaking my head.

"Well why would they think that, since everyone thinks your the cUtEsT cOuPle iN tHe WoRlD?"

"Because..i don't know. I think because this guy Photoshop himself with Diana and I made a joke about it."

"Ooh you done messed up brotha." Karan  said.

"Don't you think I know that?!" I smacked him in the back of his head.
We get back home, and I honestly forget about it until she walks in the door. Extremely mad and frustrated. There I am, just chillin and I see a mad Diana.
I see her try to calm herself down before talking.
"Why and I being called a cheater, slut, thot, and many other disgusting words?"

"Sit down." I said pushing her on the couch by her shoulders.

"So this guy....but on his insta a photoshopped picture of you and the guy. BUT CATCH THIS, I might have commented, sarcastically if you please, the you were a cheater, BUT AS A JOKE." I told her the nicest way as possible.

"Im not mad..."

"Your not?" I said with a smile.

"I'm not furious." She said standing up.
I knew to stand up and run. She started chasing me I run in to my room and tried to close my door, but she insisted that that wasn't going to happen by busting my door open.
She tackled me to the ground, and started punching me, in a way that it didn't hurt, that women wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Why, Cameron, WHHHHHHHHHY." She said still softly punching me.

"Ok now your being dramatic." I pushed her off of me, and she started giggling.

"Why are you laughing, did you go crazy?"

"No, I'm not really mad, who cares if I loose all my followers. BUT YOUR SUCH AN IDIOT."

"I am not!"

We later resolved this telling everyone that it was a joke on insta. I really didn't know that that whole thing was going to explode like that. But she forgave me.
2 years later
"Happy birthday babe." I said as I jumped in her bed.

"Uhhhhgh" She said sounded groggy.

Diana turned 19 like me now. Her birthdays in March, two months before mine.
I whisper in karans ear to help me flip over the bed, he agreed.
We flipped over Diana's bed.
"Yo can y'all chill out, dang nobody can get sleep anywhere." Me and karan started busting out laughing.

"Happy birthday" Karan said.

"Thanks you guys." Her mood changed so quickly, she wonders why I call her bipolbipolar.

I got something very special for her, only other person that know about this is karan. I hope its the best thing she could every ask for. I met her in 2011, I can't believe it's already 2018, time goes buy really fast.
Me karan and Diana are going out to eat at a Chinese restaurant since it's her favorite place to eat. Shes getting ready and I won't leave her alone I love messing with her, it's turned into one on my hobbies.

"Oh my Lord, what Cameron." She said turning towards me in the mirror doing her hair.

"I love you." I said kissing her on the cheek.

"Love you too."

"What would you want for your birthday?" I asked her.

"This is probably your one millionth time asking me this. I don't really want anything. I already got everything I want." She said.

I came out of her bathroom, leaving her alone for once.
Going into the room with karan, to talk to him.

"What do you think she's going to say about your, gift." Karan asked me when I came to sit down.

"I, don't really know I just hope she likes it. What did you get her?"

"The acoustic guitar she has been eyeballing at the music store." Dang why didn't I think of that.

"Well..thats great. Your gift is, great."

"Really? Because if something were to be great, your tone wouldn't sound like that."

"Yeah it really, is I'm just worried tha-"

"Hey guys ready to go." Diana said cutting me off.

"Yes! Everything is peaches and cream....lets go!" Man I'm so nervous, I've never been nervous around Diana before, not even when we first met.
I remember like it was yesterday, the news when I heard my best friend was going to live with me. I was so excited for our sleepovers everyday. Every night when my parents told us to go to sleep, we would stay up talking, whether it be a serious conversation, or a silly one. No one knows her better then I do. I know her enough to know she's the most broken person. She would always put on a fake smile to make others happy, she likes to put others before her self. I know almost every night she would cry herself to sleep, but then at the same time she would be the most lively person every. Her mood changes really quickly. That's why me and karan call her bipolar, though she never got diagnosed with it. I could go on and on about her.

"How's 19 feeling? " Karan asked Diana.

"No different then 18."

"Really you said the same thing lat year." I chimmed in.

"Well it's true." She said back.

We arrive at the Chinese restaurant, and Diana bolts to the door, karan and I followed.

We get seated and got up to get plate from the buffet, I really like sushi so I'm getting like all of there sushi.
I see Diana with a whole plate of lo mein, she sees me with a whole plate of sushi. We looked at eachother and giggled a bit.
We all sit down and have small talk.

"You know I have been the third wheel for almost 9 year, and I'm greatful."

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" Diana asked.

"Yeah but I don't see any of you third wheeling." We laugh.

I waited til we got done eating to give Diana her gift. Only because karan caught me trying to chicken out of it.
I grabbed Diana's hands and stood her up. Went down on one knee and said...

"Diana I know we're a little young but....will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?" I said pulling the ring out. At this point my heart was beating out of my chest, I can only imagine her. There was a silence.

"..........yes!" I put the ring on her hand and she pulled me up and hugged me.

"Happy birthday" I whispered in her ear.

Everybody in the restaurant started applauding. I stopped hugging her and turned away, yes....i was crying. Because the means the world to me, I plan on being with her forever.

"My mans!" Karan said getting up and hugging us both.
Definitely the best day of my life, and hopefully hers.

Authors note 🔥🔥
This is not the last chapter in the book but this book is coming to an end, soon. So keep up with me and my new books that will come after this one.

Diana be looking like:👰

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