Part 32

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Siobhan's POV
I was in studio A with the girls and Brady I was standing next to Brady who was now wearing the same top as me and the other girls along with a pair of black pants, Miss Abby said when Elliana arrived "Alright Elliana's been cleared from school, no more exceptions for anybody we've learned our lesson from this, yes?, Alright the Bermuda Triangle is in the ocean so we have to create that ocean on the stage so this week you will be dancing in water, this can look really cool but the water will be hazard" we rehearsed the group dance and Miss Abby said "Alright lets see what this looks like" Sarah did a demonstration of what Miss Abby wanted before we rehearsed the group dance, I was being put close to Brady.

Third persons POV
Meanwhile upstairs with the moms...
Joanne said "This is cool with water, it's awesome" Trisha then said "I just worry about the water getting on the stage and them falling" Ashley then said "The stage is going to be like a sheet of ice" "It does bring it's own set of challenges, but if it pulls off then its just that much better" "She wants to win in Pittsburg" Michelle said before Yolanda said "I mean she brought like I mean Bradys here as well too like it's like put your best foot forward" Ann then said "I think we're all happy that Bradys back, the kids included, especially Siobhan she doesn't look depressed anymore" "So are you back, back?" Ashley said before Trisha said "I don't know" "Your here this week and we know it" Ann said before Ashley said "Day by day" before Trisha said "We'll have to see, you know he wants to stay, I don't know whats going to happen if we don't win"

After watching the kids dance for a while Michelle said "Stacey and Yolanda for the kids when you go in there and you both start arguing then we're all affected, How do we move forward and co-exist so that the kids aren't affected" Stacey then said "First Yolanda can't be in the room with my kids when I'm not there, ok?" Yolanda then said "This is absolutely ridiculous, there's no grounds for that what so ever" Yolanda then said in a angry voice "Abby said it was ok" Stacey then said in a yelling voice "Well guess what, Abbys not Lilly and Siobhans either" "I can yell louder then you" Yolanda yelled back at Stacey before Stacey said in a yelling voice back "I'm Siobhan and Lilly's mother" Yolanda then yelled back "Until you actually have documentation saying..." Stacey then yelled back "That you need a restraining order, what are you saying?" "I don't know if you want to go and do that then yeah, I need to actually file a restraining order against you" "Go ahead, try" "Because your so loco that I don't feel safe, I don't feel safe" Trisha then said "You guys stop, stop, why would you call her psych-, don't call her a psycho, why make it worse?" Yolanda then said "Just stating the facts" Michelle then said "You two may never bury the hatchet, I'm not asking you to bury the hatchet, what I'm saying is all the children by this, something has be done"

The following day...
Yolanda and Elliana were in the dancers den, just the two of them, Yolanda said to Elliana "How are you feeling about today?" "Well I'm really excited to have a solo" "I know that you are incredibly excited but at some point you need to get really serious about it because I know Ellie, you know the past two weeks was not your best, do you think it was?" "No" "Ok, so what are you going to do differently because your going to have to pull something out" "I am serious about this and I want to dance, I know I'm serious" "So take that excitement that you have and put that into your solo" "I will"

Siobhan's POV
We walked into studio A while the moms were upstairs and Miss Abby said "Lilly, Ellie, do you understand that the bomb is what's happening?, you're competing in Pittsburg, I own a business here, so we could go to this competition and leave with 2 or 300 new students, if they all want to be like you, JoJo's going to be in the audience so be brilliant" Miss Abby then said "Alright I'm starting with Lilly" The rest of us were dismissed from the room apart from Lilly, I was in the dancers den with Brady, "Hey" "Hey" "I missed you while I was gone" "I missed you too" "So I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?" "I don't know Brady I..." "Think about it, in studio A tonight, dinner and a dance for two, what do you say?" "Ok, I'll go on this date with you" "Really?" "Yes Brady I will" We just stared at each other before he said "Can I kiss you?" "No" "Why not?" "Because you have to catch me first, your it" I then ran to studio B with Brady running after me, GiaNina and Elliana were in there together and they saw me getting chased by Brady, "What is happening right now?" Elliana asked me "Sorry cant stop to talk bye Ellie" I ran upstairs to the moms and they saw Brady chasing after me, "Mom, help me, he's trying to catch me so he can kiss me" I said to her "Nope, I'm leaving this to you two to sort out" my mom said to me, Brady creeped up behind me and he got me, "No" I said as he grabbed me "Ha, I got you now" Brady said as he walked me back to the dancers den and he kissed me.

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