Part 80

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Third persons POV
After the break...
Abby said to the audience "Bye thank you all for coming" Ashley then said "I don't even know what just happened, this is so typical" Ann, Ashley and Trisha went after Abby and while they were talking to Abby Joanne said to Jai "She does it all the time" Jai then said to Joanne "Does she do it all the time?" "All the time" Jai then said to Stacey "What just happened?" Stacey then said to Jai "It's her rival studio, we know that if we say the name of the studio that she leaves" Joanne then said to Jai "If we say Tammy or the name of her rival studio... Studio 19" "Sure" "We are like ehh" Abby then left the building and Trisha, Ashley and Ann came back to the reunion set and they sat back down Joanne then said to Ashley "Ashley do you want to see where Abby was?" Ashley then said to Joanne "Me why?" "Because she really wants to be you at the end of the day" "Oh ok" Jai then said "So if we can ladies I just want to know what happened when you went out there?" Trisha then said "She's gone" Ann then said "She's upset" Ashley then said "Left" Jai then said "She's upset but personally because of the rival studio" Stacey then said "Correct because she said her name" Ashley then said "Because I said Tammy"

Meanwhile at a restraint...
A producer said to Abby "So why can't we talk about that?" "Because I'm not going to be on a show where your talking about someone that potently a competitor in Pittsburgh" "Well you come back and just say let's move on" "Nope"

Meanwhile with the moms...
Ashley said "It's another day at the office guys, it's another day"

Meanwhile with Abby...
The producer said to her "What do you want to say?" "We don't discuss it" "Then let's say it" "I'm not saying another word" "You're just going to sit there and not speak?, Ok I can't make you speak" Abby then came back to the reunion set.

Jai then said "Welcome back to Dance moms: the return of the ALDC now late in the season Abby took a huge risk holding a audition three weeks before nationals and bringing in a new mother and daughter duo Kisha and Paris please welcome Kisha" Kisha then came out and sat down next to Michelle and Jai said to Kisha "Now Kisha being a new mom is never easy, it is always incredible difficult but how has it been for you?" Kisha then said "It's been crazy, I took hell from these moms umm Stacey she treated me like nothing I felt like she has something against me and I didn't know why like she pointed out everything mistake my daughter had" Stacey then said "I just was just repeating what Abby was saying in the room" "But she's a teacher so why do you need to repeat it?" "Because that's what we do is we talk about what's going on, that we're watching dance all day long every day, we always talk what's going on down there, you're just not used to it" *Flashback starts* *Flashback ends*

Once the flashback is over Jai said to Kisha "Well Kisha what's that like watching it back" Kisha then said "I mean just looking at it, it just got me all tensed right now at that time it's like I wanted to choke somebody" "Sure" Abby then said "There's been choking before" The audience then laughed at that before Jai said "Well as we head to break, let's watch the ALDC preform one of the most converse and moving numbers in the ALDC history, thoughts and prayers" Lilly, Pressley, GiaNina, Hannah, Sarah, Siobhan and Brady then preformed thoughts and prayers then once they were done the audience then clapped for them.

After the break...
Jai said "Welcome back to the show season 8 was  one for the books. It's been a season of new beginnings for the ALDC especially for you Abby I mean now do you feel like the team is more united or divided?" Abby then said "I think the kids are defiantly united, they were on a roll and the last three weeks have been amazing for the kids, they have really pushed themselves, they got to experience new things together and they're champions, they are national champions" the moms, the audience and Abby then clapped at that before Jai said "It was a heated season, I just wanted to go around before we warped things up and I just wanted to go over each of you, what's been the hardest part for you this season?, Joanne?" Joanne then said "I think the hardest part about being here with GiaNina" the audience then laughed at that before Joanne said "GiaNina idolises Abby, no matter what she says to her she's like mom. It doesn't matter I'm going back and I'm like are you sure?, so I think the hardest part is like trying to always just do the right thing and you know trusting the process" Jai then said "Alright, Trisha?" Trisha then said "This is a no brainer for me, it's when Brady was sent home and then coming back I thought that he was going to be able to bounce right back and he didn't, he is now not confident as he used to be and that was the one thing I could always think about is that kid is going to get on stage and he would be confident, I'm not sure anymore" Jai then said to Ashley "Ashley, what about you?, the most emotional part about this journey?" Ashley then said "My daughter has this fire, she has this fire, she's had since the day she was born, happiest kid I know and for the first time in her life I saw that fire dimming and it's scary" Stacey then said "I don't want to repeat everything but it's the exact same thing like it's not just Lilly and Siobhan, these kids love dancing, they love dancing and so if something happens like rock their boat and then it's hard to get out of it because it's a domino effect and Lilly and Siobhan did come out of it so Brady and Pressley will come out of it too" Jai then said to Ann "Ann?" Ann then said "Everybody has done things, I can say Ashley's been mean to me, I can say Stacey's been mean to me, I can say Trisha's been mean to me, I can say Michelle's been mean to me and I can say that Joanne has been mean to me, I can say Abby's been mean to me" Abby then said "Well I want credit because I've really been the one that was mean to you" the audience then laughed at that before Ann said "And do I dislike you, no I actually like all of you which is really brazed in it's own weird dysfunctional way" the audience, the moms and Abby then laughed at that before Jai said to Michelle "Michelle, what was your most emotional part" Michelle then said "The moment that Sarah and I walked out the door and Abby said you know this is the end, she took a moment and she took Sarah by the hand and she told her positive things, that will resonant" Abby then said "Good, don't make the same mistakes twice" Jai then said to Abby "Umm Abby what about you?" Abby then said "i just am grateful that parents interested me their children in me, it was great for me emotionally, mentally, physically to be back in the room, I'm in the studio and I'm back in the zone and I'm choreographing and Gianna's giving a step and I'm saying no I want it to be this, let's fix that and da da da, that was my zone and I forgot about the wheelchair, I forgot about walking, I forgot everything that happened before the cancer so it was good to be home and when I say home I mean in a studio doing what I was put on this earth to do" Stacey then said "We're very grateful to be a part of that" "Save your tears for the pillow" Jai then said "Well I will say this in closing Abby Lee miller, welcome back to the top of the pyramid" "Thank you" The audience, the moms and Abby clapped one last time before the credits roll with the crowd cheering Abby on at her first competition of the season.

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