Part 77

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Third persons POV
After the break....
With the moms and Abby....
Jai said "We're here talking with the moms of the ALDC and of course the one and only Abby, Abby you had a lot to say about Ashley, I can kind of felt it today, I'm sure it was privilege during the season so how do you feel her personally?" Abby then said "She's fine, I mean I don't look like Ashley, we're not all built like that, I can't afford to buy all that" Ashley then said "She's like always focused on like my breasts, my body, what i'm wearing, you always have a lot to say" "Because I think you take more time getting yourself ready then you do Pressley" "I do not ever, have you looked at my kid, she's always put together, you just don't like how she looks" "Oh that's not true I-" "You don't like what she wears, I know she is" Jai then said "On a serious note Ashley, you've been through this season with your daughter, Pressley's been doing well but she's also gotten a lot of criticism from Abby, how does that affect you as a mom?" "It's tough to hear any type of criticism about your daughter"Abby then said "But when you get all bent out of shape and hyped up I think it makes it worse instead of just saying oh honey don't listen to her or Abby's right" I should tell her not to listen to her teacher?, the kid worships the ground you walk on literally she shows up every single day and does what ever you ask like..." Jai then said "Well let's take a look at one of those over critical moments where you just had enough Ashley, so let's have a look" "Yes let's watch" *Flashback starts of Pressley rehearsing her solo scissor hands and Abby telling her a correction and Ashley making Pressley leave the room with her* *Flashback ends*

Abby then said "Would you wear that leopard skirt with that red sweatshirt on?" Ashley then said to Abby "Get on Instagram, check out what's trending, long skirts, sweatshirts, concert tees, yes" "You know I just meant the colours" "I don't care actually I don't need to dress for you" "Your daughter does" "Maybe if you took the time to care about her from day one" "I have cared about her since day one" "You over looked her all season" "No not true" Jai then said "As a dancer but then there was a part where you called her a hot mess for something else and not her dancing" Ashley then said to Jai "She didn't like her hair" "Oh" Abby then said "No she just kind of comes in with split ends sometimes" Ashley then said "You called her mediocre" "No, I've never called a kid mediocre" "Yes you did" *Flashback starts of Abby telling Pressley she is mediocre* *Flashback ends* Ashley then said to Abby "Yes you did and she is not" "Why are you still here then?" "She wants to be here with you" "Oh ok well let it go"

Jai then said to Stacey "Now um Stacey, this has been a very very fiery season, there was a lot of name calling, there kind of was I mean some of them they called you on the season was the puppet master, queen bee, mean girl, master of manipulation" Abby then said "I didn't call her those names" "Your right you didn't" "Ok" "Well let's take a look" *Flashback starts of the moms calling Stacey mean names* *Flashback ends* Jai then said to Stacey "Do you act think that the ladies hate you like do you think that's a real thing?" Stacey then said "Yeah" "Ladies?" Ashley then said "I don't even know where she's getting that from" Ann then said "To me it felt like she was sitting up there on the stairs running everyone" Abby then said "A queen hen in the henhouse" Trisha then said to Ann "You don't think that's true?" Ann then said "Well on occasion I feel like that" Stacey then said "You don't feel like anyone over here is running the show?" "Well I-" Ashley then said "She wants to make sure that it's not just on her, it's fine for her for her for sixteen weeks" Stacey then said "Of course everyone's seeing it as who's yelling and who's not" Trisha then said "Whenever she doesn't feel like her children and herself are getting the most attention she attacks whoever is getting it at that moment" Ashley then said "Well she would be completely happy if it was just her on the team" "Exactly" Stacey then said "That's actually very easy to say with no evidence Ashley then said "Stacey you literally complained about Brady since day one and was not happy until he was gone" "That's *bleep* and everybody knows it" "Lilly struggled every week until Brady left and as soon as Brady left you were finally happy and then Siobhan started to become Abby's favourite dancer on the team" Trisha then said "And then the minute I walked back into that door boom you were going to quit" Ashley, Joanne and Trisha then started talking very loudly and Stacey said "I can't even talk, everything I say is twisted" the moms then stopped talking very loudly and Abby said "Aww, the victim" "So mean, it's ridiculous" Michelle then said to Stacey "I understand"

Abby then said to Michelle "Michelle did you just mutter the words I understand?" "I do, I understand her" "Sarah is not Lilly or Siobhan wake up" "I didn't say anything about Lilly or Siobhan" "You don't understand how she feels" "I understand how she feels" "You don't know how she feels" "I do" "How did you feel about two other minis not coming back on the team and you being the only one?" Trisha then said "How did you feel when Brady got sent home and you said nothing and then nailed the coffin shut and then want me to sit there-" "Trisha-" "No, no, I'm gonna say it and then you want me to sit there and defend your kid" "I'm allowed to have empathy for somebody, I'm a human being" "And so am I and so am I, you pick and choose when you wanna have empathy when it works for you, when it works for you" Jai then said to Stacey "During the season the moms you know seem to think that you were the master mind behind Brady leaving, was that true?" "Of course not I mean it's not my dance studio" Abby then said "I think being returning veterans on the team Lilly and Siobhan had , they defiantly had them but I was also tougher on them because I expected it from them" "I want Abby to have high expectations for them because that's what's going to make them the best dancers" "It does" "But at the same time it comes with pressure" "To be up front to be in the middle with the whole group behind you, you can't screw up and people don't understand that oh there she is in the front again or oh she's in the middle again oh they're lifting her up again ba ba ba but with that comes responsibility" Jai then said "Alright well let's take a look at Lilly's dance that received a perfect score here's Lilly performing live straight escape" Lilly then preformed straight escape and once she was done the audience clapped for her.

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