Part 8

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Siobhan's POV
We were side stage getting ready to go on stage, Brady is on the other side of the stage. He blows me a kiss good luck and I catch it and I blew him one back for good luck and he catches it, I see lily watch what we are doing and a huge grin appears on her face and I smile back at her, Brady then sees this and he smiles at lily before winking at me, Ahh he's such a cutie, "Up next is entry number 88 the healer from the Aldc"

We performed and Brady and I shared a duet at the start, later on..
Lily stuffed up a ariel that we were all doing and after we performed she was freaking out and we all tried to cheer her up, but Lily stormed out of the waiting room to go back to the dressing room upset, "I thought it was good" Hannah then said "I'm going to go talk to her" I said, I found Lily a few moments later upset "Hey Lily-bug it wasn't your fault" "Yes it was, Miss Abby would of rather me kick someone in the face then what I did on stage" "Look, I stuffed up my duet and Miss Abby didn't make a big deal out of it" "She just let you off easy because you and Brady are her favourites on the team" "That's not true, who told you that?" "The mums, they are jealous of you and Brady" "Ugg Lily, Abby just likes us for her own reasons, she doesn't favour Brady and I" "Oh really?, then why did she give you a hug in the dressing room when you were crying about stuffing up the duet, she never does that to me" "She has known me for a long time longer then you actually" "How dare you say that!" "I was on dance moms before you then mum put you on because of the mini team needing a fifth member" "I saw you and Brady" "What did you see?" "You guys are together, aren't you?" I just stayed quiet before Lily said "It's true, isn't it?, Siobhan answer me please" "It's true, Brady and I are dating each other" "I knew it!" "Shh keep it down, I don't want the other girls finding out" "Who knows?" "Abby, Gia, mum, Tricia, I think at least, I don't think the other mums have figured it out yet" "I've shipped you guys since the first day of you two meeting each other!" "Shh, Brady and i have decided to keep this relationship a secret for a few weeks" "Ok I understand" "Great" gianina came over to us and she said "Lily, Siobhan, time to head back to the dressing room" "Thanks Gia"
As we were walking back...
"So uhh how did the talk go with your sister?" Brady asked me
I hold him back from the others to talk
"She's figured it out" "What has she figured out?" "Us, being together" "Oh god, are you serious?" "Yeah" "As long as she keeps it a secret?" "Yeah, I know her, she keeps secrets for life" "Thank god" Brady then wrapped his left arm around my waist and we continued walking to catch up the others...

It was time for awards

"In second place in the duet/trio we have... We're breathing" the announcer said, Lily accepted the award before the announcer said "And your highest duet/trio of the day is... Geek gets the girl from the Abby Lee dance company" Brady and I accepted our award before sitting back down before the announcer said "Moving now into our top groups of the day, we're giving out our top three" the announcer then said third and second place and we weren't called up yet.

Brady's POV
The announcer then said "And your highest scoring group for the entire day is... the healer from the Abby Lee dance company" we all got up and I accepted the award and we bowed before awards were over for the day.
Miss Abby then said in the dressing room "Well congratulations you guys should be thrilled that group won because there was a lot of mistakes" Miss Abby then said to Lily "Why does somebody who can do a side ariel blindfolded in her sleep miss it?" Lily then said "I was either going to injury someone else or either myself because I was to close to Presley and if I would of done my side ariel I would of kicked her in the face and if I went on a diagonal I would I would of hit the curtain so I decided not to hurt anyone else" while Lily was saying this she was crying and I rubbing her back in comfort and the dancers came to her to give her hugs Stacy then said "She thought she ruined the group dance and she was shocked being called jealous of her teammate and her sister, yeah, she doesn't like that" "Lily, I didn't call you jealous" My mum said "Well Abby did because you guys kept talking about it me being jealous and I wasn't jealous and it got really annoying" Lily said then Miss Abby said "Ok what does this have to do with the side ariel and the spacing, it should have absolutely nothing because if your going to be a pro, you can sit next to somebody and do your makeup that hates your guts and you still have to go out on that stage and do the job that people are paying to see, I don't want crying kids, you are a lucky little girl to be here and all of you are, so this crap has to stop, if it's going to rattle you that much something that I sad or I did ba ba ba, either A toughening up, B let it go in one ear and out the other or C your not cut out for this, Kids out of the room right now!" The mums told us to go out the door and Stacey put Lily off her lap and she passed lily to Siobhan and Siobhan walked with her and she rubbed her back for support, I was right behind them.

Third persons POV
Once the kids were out of the room Abby said "People thrive on somebody else being upset and somebody else have their feelings hurt, you all know that but the carrying on and the crying and the chaos, when I hear all this crap going on, I have to rethink the casting and I don't know if everybody really belongs on this team"
Stacy then said to Tricia, Brady's mum "I don't know what you have an issue with me about, but you are on my case, I didn't even speak to you today and your all over my case and you purposely do it when Abby comes in the room and you know what Abby does, she takes it out on your kid, what is the deal?" Tricia then said "I didn't mean to..." Stacy then interrupted her saying "Why are you on my case?" "I don't mean to.." "What is your freaking problem, Trisha?, everybody agrees that your kid and my daughter Siobhan have an advantage, why are you putting it on me?" "Because you..." "And then my other daughter lily" "I didn't mean to put it on your kid, Stacy no" "You know what's going to happen" "Ok I didn't think she was going to get upset about it" Michelle then said "In class yesterday they all did 50 push-ups, why wouldn't you think that would happen today?" Stacy then said "And why just me?, what about her?, her?, her?, her?" Trisha then said "Everyone's nodding" Stacy then said "Everyone's nodding because everyone knows, everyone" Trisha then said "Everyone feels that you are jealous of Brady and Siobhan" there was silence before Trisha said to Stacy "Your the one that gives off the vibe" Stacy then said to Trisha "Maybe your the one that jealous of my kids" Trisha then said "Oh my god" before Stacy said back to her "You try to make me look bad, you get my child lily yelled at, it's your fault deal with it" Stacy then stood up and as she was leaving the room she said to Trisha "Your jealous" Trisha then said to herself "So freaking ridiculous, so ridiculous" Stacy then left the room and Abby said "Well that's her proragtive, she can do that if she wants"

Siobhan's POV
Mum got lily and I and lily was saying "I don't want to be here anymore and everyone's yelling at me and telling me I'm jealous of everyone and I'm done with it" my mum then said "Good then let's leave" "Mum, you can't be serious?" I said to her "Siobhan honey I'm sorry, but we have to do this for Lily" "It's not fair on me, I want to stay here with the team and Brady" "I'm really sorry" "That's it I'm done talking to you" I ran away from her and lily and I was crying I don't want to leave Brady for my sister and I found Brady looking for me "Hey, I was looking for you, your mum seemed to be mad and was wanting to leave quickly, hey what's the matter?" He noticed my tears "Mum is making me quit the team for Lily" "What?, but why?" "She said something about her and the mums having a fight about Lily being jealous of you and I and then they a fight about which one of Stacy or Trisha being jealous of us" "Hey come here" I went into his opened arms and I cried, it wasn't fair to Brady and I, we only just started dating this week, Brady then sees someone and I look behind me to see my mum and she looks like she's about to cry "Mum you ok?" "Yeah"

Stacey's pov
I followed Siobhan and I found her and Brady hugging each other and she reminds me so much of my 14 year old self and Brady reminds me so much of my first boyfriend at Siobhan's age break up and it wasn't pretty...
14 year old Stacy with her first boyfriend Myles,
"Myles, I'm sorry my mum is making me move away I'm sorry" "It was my fault, your mum found out and now she's making you go with her because of me" "Hey we'll stay in touch" a few weeks later 14 year old Stacy and mules were talking before Stacy moved away, it was the day of her moving
Myles then said "Stacy i think we should break up" "But why?" "This long distance relationship won't work out I'm sorry" Myles then runs off and 14 year old Stacy is crying, it's all her fault...

Back to Stacy now...
"Siobhan, we're not leaving the team" "Why mum?" I asked her "Seeing you and Brady together, you two have a connection I won't be able to tear apart" "Thank you mum, thank you" Siobhan rushed up to me and gave me a thank you hug

We all returned to the dressing room and packed our stuff up and the dancers got changed out of their costumes and we all headed home without saying a word to each other.

Dance moms season 8: Brady and SiobhanWhere stories live. Discover now